Part 18- omg yes

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"We are here!" Emerson declared when he parked his car. "And where is here exactly?" I asked not knowing where we were. "Truffles." He aid with a smirk. "Emerson it's really expensive, we could've went somewhere cheaper." I whined I hate when he spends money on me. "Too bad love I love you, and our child and we haven't been on a date in a while." He said kissing my cheek. "I love you." I said kissing his lips. We got out of the car and walked in.

God this place is gorgeous. There were a few chandeliers hanging from ceilings, marble walls, gold pillars. Holy shit this place is fancy. "Hi for how many?" The waiter asked. "Actually I have a reservation for kropp." Emerson said with a smile. "Oh this way sir." The waiter walked us to a table that was outside but weirdly there's to other tables out here. "Your table sir, and madam." The waiter said pulling out our chairs. "Thank you." Is aid sitting down Emerson sitting across. He put our menus down and left the table. "Emmy this place is gorgeous." I said admiring the view. "Not as gorgeous as you." He said with a grin. "That was so cheesy." I said cringing. "May I ask why there isn't any other tables out here?" I asked. "Because I rented this entire patio." He said grabbing my hands. I nodded and the waiters came out and gave us drink and all that jazz

After eating

"I'm stuffed!" I said sitting back into the chair waiting for our check. "Ah not yet 1 more thing." Emerson said with a devilish grin. "Urghhhh no more food." "But his is a special food, because it's your favourite desert!" He said cheerfully. "ICE CREAM!" I fucking love ice cream. He let out a chuckle and nodded. Soon after the waiter brought out, cookie dough and chocolate ice cream. I put my spoon in and took out a big chunk and put it in my mouth. The ice cream melted and I felt a weird piece of metal in my mouth. I took it out...... oh my god. I look up and Emerson to see he's on his knee beside me.

"Josephine coralline callers, with you be my paint to my brush." I laughed at his little joke. "Yes Emmy of course." I said tears coming out of my eyes, and I kissed his soft lips. My new name Josephine coralline kropp.

"I love you." I whispered into his ear.
"Love you too baby, and tiny us." He said putting his hands to my stomach. I already love our little family.

I'm so sorry this chapter took so long. My phone broke and I have been busy with school and other after school commitments. Love yeah kitties.

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