Part 15- baby

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The show ended and we headed back home. "I'm going to head up stairs." I said to Emmy and the boys. "I'm coming with." Emerson said intertwining our fingers. "Okay, goodnight." I said to the rest. "Night Joey." Remmy, and Sebastian said. Me and em went up stairs to our room.

We walked in and Emmy closed the door. He smashed his lips against mine. "I love you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you too." I said hugging him. "Let's go to bed." He said picking me up, and laying me on the bed. He jumped beside me. He kissed my face all over and hugged me. "I'm glad we're getting married." He said as I snuggled into his chest. "Me too." I replied.

In the morning

I woke up to a snoring Emerson with his arms wrapping his arms around me. He's so cute. "Wake up I need to go to the washroom." I said kissing his nose. He let go and I hopped up or else I would have peed myself. I went to the bathrooms and Emerson was laying on the bed being a lazy bum. Maybe could have a little fun *wink wink* I jumped on the bed and crawled on top of Emerson. "What are you doing miss kropp." He said I little sassily. "Let's have a little fun." I said sexually In his ear. "He smirked and ripped off my shirt, and flipped me so I was at the bottom. "You sure?" He said with a smile. "Yeah now shut up and kiss me." I said smirking. "I love you josi." He said kissing me ruffly. "Love you too pirate man." I said kissing back.

An half hour later ;) ;)

We collapsed and Emerson was breathing heavy. I laid my head on his chest and looked up at him. "I love you." I said smiling. "I love you too." He said kissing me.

I got up and took a shower and brow dried my hair. I did a black smiley eye with blood red lip stick. I put on Emerson's hat, a long sleeved black crop top, and a pair of blue high waisted jeans. I paired it with my black doc martens. I walked out of our room and went to the living room. "Hey rem." i said collapsing on the couch. "Hey Joey." He said with a smile. "Where's em?" I said not seeing him. "He went to go get breakfast." Sebastian said looking up form his phone. "Okay." I said laying my head on Rems lap. He didn't seem to care so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

2 months later

I woke up having the urge of vomiting. I ran to the bathroom and threw up my entire stomach. "Emerson!" I yelled between vomits. I heard him run in. "What's wrong!??" He said with worry in his voice. "I can't stop puking." I said flushing the toilet. "Oh Hun do you want to me to run you a bath." I nodded. I walked out of the bathroom and took of my clothes as Emerson ran me a bath. I grabbed my towel and went in. "I'll be on the bed if you need me okay." He said kissing my nose. I nodded and closed the bathroom door. "Maybe I have some medicine that could help. I looked threw the shelves and saw some tampons. Shut when was the last time I had my period?? "Oh god Emerson!" I yelled. Once again he ran in the bathroom. "What!" "Remember when we had sex a couple weeks ago?" I asked. "Yeah in the morning the day after I asked you to marry me." He said calmly. "Did you use a condom?" I said paranoid. "No why?" He said. "I missed 2 periods." I said smiling."Emerson I think I'm pregnant." I said happily. A big smile grew over his face. "I might be a dad." He said kissing my face. "Let's go to the clinic to find out today." I said kissing his soft lips. "Of course love." He said smiling.

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