Part 19- lets do dis

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5 months later

I woke up with a wet feeling on my leg. I grabbed my phone from the side table, lifted the blanket, turned on my flash light to reveal water like substance. "Urahhh." I screamed in pain dropping my phone and clutched my stomach. Emerson bolted up. "What wrong!" He yelled. "My water broke." I said holding my stomach. "Oh.... OH!" He said jumping up and putting on a pair of black skinnys, and a ripped black and white striped shirt. "Urahhh." Another jolt of pain hit me. Emerson grabbed mine and his phone, and his keys. He helped me up and guided me down stairs. He got me into the car and sped down the road to the hospital. "I'm going to call - "urahhh" I screamed again. Fuck this baby is ducking painful. I picked up my phone and clicked Remington's number. After a few rings he picked up. "Hello." He said groggily. "Get Sebastian and meet me and em at the hospital-urahhh I'm going into fucking labor!" I yelled in pain. "Okay I'll be there in 20 with seb." He said hanging up. Even though it's only been a year I feel like they're my brothers. "You ok babe."Emerson said rubbing leg. "Yeah but our child is fucking painful." I said taking deep breathes. "We're here." He said parking the car and getting out, and opening my door. He picked me up (even though I was 180 pounds he had no trouble) he carried me into the hospital, and nurses ran up to us and got me a wheelchair and got me a room. "Urahhh. This child is a demon." I said with a chuckle trying to get my mind off Of the pain.

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