Part 6- the date

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I headed to my bedroom, and changed into my pjs.

I turned off the lights and crawled into my bed

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I turned off the lights and crawled into my bed. I grabbed my headphones, and slipped them on. I started playing some palaye. God they're so good. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to someone yelling. It was Sebastian and Remington's voice. Then I heard Emerson yelling to. I sighed and hopped out of bed. I walked down stairs. "REMINGTON, ANNA CANT LIVE WITH US!" Sebastian yelled. "WHY NOT JOSE IS HERE!" Remington spat out. ANNA IS A MODE SHE HAD MONEY AND A FUCKING HOME, JOSE IS HOMESS AT THE MOMENT SHE WORKING." Emerson yelled. I stood there tears stinging my eyes. What's Remington's fucking problem and who the hell is anna. "SO EMERSON GETS HIS GIRLFRIEND HERE BUT NOT MINE!" Remington spat out. "WE DONT LIKE HER REMINGTON WE KNOW SHE CHEATED ON YOU!" Sebastian screamed. Suddenly Emerson saw me standing there with tears running down my face. I wiped them. "I'm sorry Remington I'll just leave." I spat out and ran upstairs. "Joe wait." Remmy said. I didn't listen and kept walking. Emerson started running after me. He grabbed my waist. He hugged me and wiped my tears away. "Please stay, darling." Emerson whined. "It's clear Remington doesn't want me here." I spat out. "He's just mad because we don't like Anna and we don't want her staying here." Emerson said hugging me. I nodded. "I'll stay." "Yay!" He said kissing me, deep and passionate. He slid him tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in and his tongue started massaging mine. He let out a soft moan, and he slid his hand to my ass. I rapped my hands around his neck. Suddenly during the kiss he picked me up. He carried me to his room. He sat down on his bed with me on his lap. He started to kiss my jawline and down my neck. I moaned. "Emerson, I think we should wait." I said. "Of course, we will just make out." He said smirking. I nodded. He started kissing me again. I pulled off my shirt to reveal my bra. "I thought you wanted to wait." He smirked. "Oh I do I'm just being a tease." I said smirking. I leaned down and kissed my neck the down my chest. Then I felt my bra come off. Emerson smirked. I smiled. "Emmy." I whined. He smirked. I started kissing me again, and his tongue explored my mouth. I pulled back. "I'm hungry." I said getting off his lap. "Ok darling." He said smiling. I slipped on my bra, Emerson was starring at me the entire time. I rolled my eyes and slipped on my tank. "Let's go down stairs." I said smiling.

We headed down stairs. "Wanna go out today?" Emerson asked sweetly. "Of course." I kissed him. "Let's go get ready I said grabbing his hand. I walk to the bathroom Emerson following. "I'm going to take a shower." I said smiling. "Can I join?" He smirked. "Sure." I said smiling.

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