Part 2- a nice home.

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I packed up my things, and gave the nice man his amp back. "Let's go." Emerson said grabbing my bass case. I nodded. I followed the three boys, to this black car. "Do you wanna sit in the front or back?" Remington asked. I'll sit on the back." I replied. "Okay." Remington opened the back door for me and Sebastian out my bass in the trunk. I got in and buckled up. Emerson opens the other door to the back and sits next to me. He smiles at me. I awkwardly smile back. Sebastian get in the driver seat and Remington sits in the passenger. Sebastian pulls out and starts to drive. "I forgot to ask what's you name?" Emerson said looking at me. "Josephine, but you can call me jose, Josie, or joe." I replied smiling. "That's a gorgeous name." Emerson replied. "Em stop being a fucken flirt, it sickening to watch." Rem said. I giggled while em rolled his eyes.

After about a 10 minute drive, we arrive at this mid sized house. It had a black metal gate, and a old Victorian look to the house. "I love your guys house." I said smiling. "While thank you my darling." Emerson replied, and stole my hat. "Why did you take my hat?" I said getting out of the car. "Because I'm going to decorate it." He said blushing. "Well until you are done I'm taking your hat." I said running at him and grabbing his top hat. "Well it's only fair." We walk into the house. The living room was at the front and it had black walls. All their furniture was Victorian. It was stunning. "Well I'll show you to your room." Sebastian said walkout the stairs. I followed him. We walk down this hall way at the top. The last bedroom, was mine. And the one beside it was Emersons. The one across, was a work room. An the one beside that is a storage room. "Me and Remington's rooms, are in that part of the hallway." He said pointing to the other side. I nodded and opened my door. Like all of the rooms, it had black and white walls, and Victorian furniture. "We will be downstairs, if you need anything come down." He said smiling. "Sure do. And thanks again." "No problem sweetheart." He said walking downstairs. I put my stuff on my bed, and put Emersons hat on the table. I put all my clothes away, my makeup too. I put my few hats on the table and same with my jewelry. I grabbed ems hat and walked downstairs. It's about 8:30 pm. I walk into the kitchen to see Emerson sitting on the counter drinking wine. "How old are you?" I asked because he looked underage. "20" he replied sipping his drink. "Oh." He's only a year to young who gives a fuck. "How old are you?" He replied. "10000000000." I replied sarcastically. He looked at me. "19." I said laughing. "Ah well would you like something to drink?" "Sure what do you have?" "Sebastian, can you come here?" Emerson yelled. Sebastian walked in. "Yes?" He asked annoyed. "Can we drink your gin? Emerson asked smiling. "Well I have 4 bottles, you can have ONE BOTTLE." He said walking out. "Well then we are having Gin and sprite." He said smirking. I never actually drank before, I'm kinda scared. He handed me a cup of gin and sprite. "Thanks." I said taking a sip. It was really good. He sips his wine and just stairs at me. "So you're rocking my hat." He said smiling. "Oh well thank you." I said dramatically. He let out a chuckle. "Oh I wanna show you something." He said smiling. I nodded and followed him up stairs. We went into his room. He had a bunch of cool drawings on his walls. He had a bunch of hats hanging up, and a lot of jackets that looked like they belonged to an old lady. "This is my room!" He said smiling. I spotted my hat, with a rugged cloth rapped around it and a few feathers. "So do you like it?" "Like what?" "Your hat, you were looking at it." He said blushing. "Yeah I love it." He passed me my hat and I passed him his. "Keep it." He said not taking his hat. I put on mine and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I said while he blushed. "No p-problem." He said nervously. She giggled and went to her room.

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