Part 12- I fucked up

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I'm nervous. I'm going to mess up, I'm going to fail, I'm going to embarrass em and the guys. I can't breathe. I locked myself in a bathroom until the show starts. "Babe open up." Em said knocking on the door. "I'm good I'll be out when it's time to preform." I said shaking. I heard a thud against the door. Then another one, then an falling Emerson, as he door broke down. "What the hell em!" I shouted. "You wouldn't open up, I was worried." He said brushing him self off. "I WANTED TO BE ALONE!" I screamed at him, the pressure freaking me out. "Calm down." He said In a soothing voice. "No get the fuck out Emerson, I want you out." I yelled choking on air having a panic attack. "Babe-" "NO FUCK OFF EMERSON YOU CHEATING ASS." I screamed out of panic. I didn't mean to say that. His eyes had tears in them. "Em I'm s-sorry I didn't mean it." I said chocking on air. I couldn't breathe. "Whatever jose." He said walking out. I put my head between my knees, trying to get my breathe back. And me being me I started crying. I can't handle this. "Hey you okay." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and it was andy. "I-i-i can't breathe, i fucked up with Emerson." I spat out choking on tears. She ran over to me and hugged me. "Shhhh calm down Hun." He said rubbing my back. He hugged me, and rubbed my back. It calmed me down a lot. I was finally able to catch my breath, and I stopped crying. I pulled away. "I'm ok." I said breathing out. He smiled and helped me off the ground. "Want me  to talk to em?" He asked. "No no it's my problem, thanks though." I said giving him a hug. "Know problem Hun, come find me if you need help with anything?" He said walked out of the bathroom. The door was still slightly attached but you could hello it was broken. I walked out, to look for em. I walked out of the bathroom. I saw rem doing weird vocal warm ups. "Hey rem where's Emerson?" I asked shyly. He glared at me. "Joe you hurt him so fuck off." He said continuing him warm ups. "I was a having a ducking panic attack asshole. Of course you're to much of an ass to here my side of the story." I lashed out at rem. I stormed off on a quest to find em. I walked to the bus dressing room. I saw Emerson on his phone. Not looking the happiest. "Can I come in." I said quietly. "Whatever." He said coldly. "Emerson I'm so sorry, I got overwhelmed and I had a panic attack, and lucky you came at the beginning, where I'm a maher bitch." I said, sitting beside him. He looked at me. You were having a panic attack?" He said a little shocked. "Yeah, whenever I'm put in a lot of pressure, or stress I flip out." I said fiddling with my thumbs. "I'm sorry babe." He said hugging me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too."

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