Part 14- tour

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It's been 10weeks since we started tour and me and em have been dating, for 4 months. Everything has been perfect. Fans are great, Emerson staying beside me, rem and seb goofing off. I love it. I finally feel happy for once in my life. Tonight's our last show, and it's in Vegas.

"You ready babe??" Emerson said sneaking a kiss on my neck. "Yeah, I'm kinda sad it's our last show." I said hugging him. "Ah well we might have to do another tour soon." Emerson said kissing my temple. "I would love that." I said grabbing my bass. "Your guys ready?" Sebastian said with Remington stood beside him. "Yup." I said strumming. "Let's goooooo." Sebastian said running on stage. I followed and Emerson followed me. I stood at my spot plugged my bass into the amp. Sebastian looked at me and em, we both nodded and we played the intro to get higher. Remington went on stage and sang.

After all the songs.

That was an awesome set. "Hey guys before we leave stage, my bro em has something to say." Rem said handing em the mic, and he walked tot he front of the stage. "Hello lovelies. A few months back, I met this girl, and we've been dating for 4 months now, but it feels like years. I love this girl more than anything. This girl is Josephine." He said looking at me. He walked over to me. Got down on his knee. Oh fuck oh fuck. "Joey I love you and will you be mine." He said. "Yes." I said nodding. He picked me up and kissed me. The crowd cheered.

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