Part 17- date

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I woke up, Emerson wrapping his arms around me. I can't believe it's been 4 months of pregnancy and I was getting pretty big. Emerson hasn't left my side. He's been so helpful and the boys cancelled all tours until the baby is born which I'm really happy about. Tonight me and Emerson are going out to a fancy restaurant. Which is exciting because we haven't been on a proper date in months.

I snaked out of his arms, and went downstairs to a Sebastian burning breakfast once again. "Seb when do you learn?" I said with a sigh. "I'm sorry hash browns are hard to make!" He said quite frustrated. "I learned how to make them when I was 10." I said looking him dead in the eyes. He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." I said shooing him out of the kitchen.  I put the gross burnt hash browns in the garbage and pulled out a fresh pan and started cooking eggs, and bacon.

20 minutes later

"Breakfast is ready." I said to seb em and rem, who were sitting on the couch. "Yay." Remington said like a little child. They ran into the kitchen like they haven't ate in 3 years. I let them have first serves. But to my surprise Emerson handed me his plate with 6 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, and toast. "You need to eat more than I do." He said kissing my head. And like that he ate the left overs which was 3 pieces of bacon a egg and no toast. "Thanks babe I love you." I said kissing him. "Love you too darling."

It's 4:30 and we go to supper at 6, I have an hour and a half to get ready. Good thing I already had a shower. I brushed my wet hair and dried it. When it was fully dried I curled it like usual and put on some makeup. I did a red cut crease with thick black liner. I put false lashes on and did my pale foundation and eyebrows. To finish it all off I put on a black lipstick. I walked into me and ems room, and put on a black and red lace and sparkle dress. I put on black heels to match the short dress. When I was done it was 5:45.

"Babe you ready." Emerson called up stairs. I ran down stairs, and nodded with excitement. He looked speechless. "You look fabulous." He said kissing my lips softly. "So do you love." I said grabbing his hand. "Shall we go?!" Emerson said with excitement. "We shall." I said walking out the door.

Filler chapter, next chapter is the good chapter.

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