Part 10- forgive and forget

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I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I slid down the door. I start sobbing. Why did he have to cheat on me. I thought he loved me. Am I just a rebound. *sigh* "whatever" I mumbled to myself. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see a drunk Emerson. "Heyyy babbbbyyyy." He slurred. I whipped the tears off my face. "Number 1 I'm not you baby anymore Emerson, and number 2 fuck off." I said harshly. He looked sad. "Joeee I'm so so so so so sorry, and I shouldn't have kissed shy." He said starting to cry. *sigh* he has such an effect on me. "Emerson can you go too bed and we can talk about this tomorrow morning when your not shit faced." I said annoyed. He nodded and left me room. "Finally some peace." I slipped on some pyjamas, and hopped into bed. I am glad this day is over. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

//////////// in the morning \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

I woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon. *sigh* I think Emersons making breakfast to win me over. I hoped out of bed and walked down stairs. I was right there stood Emerson making breakfast. "Hey cheater." I said sitting down. He jumps a little bit not seeing me but then his shock turns into sadness. "Jose I'm so sorry, can I explain what happened!?" He pleaded. I sighed, "you got 10 minutes asshat." I said coldly. "Ok when we walked into the movie theatre, I saw my ex shy. Last time I saw her, I pushed me into a fountain, so I wanted to apologize. That's why I was acting weird. When you went to go get food, I went to apologize. I went over and said sorry for pushing her into a fountain, and that I wanted to stay friends. She kissed me, and I was shocked and I didn't know what to do, but you showed up, and dumbed Coke on me before I could explain." He didn't kiss her. She kissed him, should I forgive him?

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