Part 5- the band

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The venue filled up quickly, and I couldn't see rem em or seb anywhere. What ever. 3 minutes till it starts. One of the fans yelled. "PALAYE ROAYLE." Maybe that's the band opening. If so I've never heard of them. I see two and oddly familiar men walk on stage, one with drum sticks and one with a guitar. I take a closer look and see it's Sebastian and Emerson. You've got to be joking. Emerson winked at me. "Of course they're In a band." I sighed. Em and Sebastian started playing and Remington ran on stage started singing. Not going to lie they're are really good.

When the song ended, Emerson sat up and walked to the front on the stage. Fans started screaming. He walked towards me. Emerson holds his hand out me. "Come on darling." I grab his hand and he pulls me up. Remington also helped. Fans were cheering.

"Hello guys!" Remington said!
They screamed.
"This so our new friend jose." Emerson announced.
Sebastian walked offf stage bringing out a bass and handed it to me.
"Before tonight joe didn't know we were in a band. We told her tonight we were going to a Andy concert but she didn't, now we are here." Emerson said happily.
"We are going to play teenagers by mcr, hopefully jose knows it!" Rem yelled.
He looked at me. I nodded.
Emerson before going back to his drums he kissed me. The fans awed. I blushed hard and we started playing.

After the song.
"Joe that was great!" Rem said hugging me. Same with Emerson and Sebastian. The fans went crazy. Go wait backstage, Emerson whispered into my ear. I nodded and walked off stage. I found a couch and sat down. I took out my phone, and looked them up.

"What you looking at?" An unfamiliar voice says.
I look up to see Andy back. "Oh um uh." I said shuddering. "It's okay." Andy chucked. "So who are you here with?" He asked. "Funny story. Well I'm living with palaye, and I've known them for like a day and the fey putty for me because I got kicked out. They told me we were going to one of your concerts, because I had no idea who they were until now. Emerson said to sit backstage so that's what I'm doing." Andy raised an eyebrow. "Sounds fun." He said sitting next to me."so what's your name?" "It's joe." I said awkwardly. "Oh your the girl Emerson won't shut up about." And says smirking. "I think he likes you." "I know he likes me, because he kissed me on stage!" And looked at me in awe. "That's cute." He said. "Emerson has to keep you." Andy said smiling. I blush. "Thanks." "No if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for my set." Andy said standing up. He walks off. I feel someone take my hat, I turn around and realized Emerson took it. I blush and stare at the ground. "Cat got your tongue?" Emerson winked. "No you do." I said smirking. Emerson leaned in and kissed me softly and in like a cheesy romantic movie he puts the hat in front of our faces. He pulls back, and smiles. "So joe would you like to go on a date with me?" "Nah I'm good." I replied. His eyes went sad. "Oh." I got hit with a wave of guilt. "Emerson o was kidding of course I will." I said kissing his nose. "Get a room!" Sebastian yelled. "Your the one talking! I don't say anything when you and steph fuck on the couch." Em spat back. I giggled with Remington and Sebastian turned red and ran into the bathroom. Remington came over and laid on me and Emersons lap. "Can we help you?" I said looking at Remington's face which is on my lap. "Well I want a nap." He replied. Emerson rolled his eyes and pushed him off. "Rude." Remington said walking out. "Are you ready to go?" Emerson asked. I nodded. We went outside and found rem and seb smoking.
"Want a drag?" Rem offered. "No I don't smoke cigarettes." He shrugged. We all got into the car and drove home. It was about 9:30 when we got home and I was extremely tired. "I'm going to head to bed" I said walking upstairs. Emerson ran after me. "Sweet dreams love." He said kissing me.

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