Part 21- why

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I woke up, baby in my arms and Emerson still drawing. "Hey babe, what time is it?" I asked with a yawn escaping my mouth. "11 am." he said with a sweet smile and went back to drawing. I looked down at my baby. My god is he so cute. He has Emerson's nose, my eyes. I love this child my child, our child. I kissed Vic's head, and snuggled with him. Emerson cooed with awe. I giggled and blew him a kiss. "Hey babe im going to run to Starbucks wanna a bagel?" He asked getting up, putting awu his pencils. I nodded. He kissed my lips. "Bye love I'll see you in 20 minutes." He said throwing his bag over his shoulder. He left the room, and cooed at my child. Soon Vic started to cry. I sighed I think he's hungry. I stared breastfeeding him and he stoped crying. Huh motherly instincts. I love my little family. Soon Vic was asleep, so I cradled him, and played with his little bit of hair. I'm finally happy

1 hour later

I starred a my phone waiting for Emerson to reply. He's been gone for an hour already. I sighed and pressed the button which called the nurse. A nurse came in with a semi worried look on her face. "Anything wrong love?" She asked. "No no no I was wondering if I could leave yet?" I asked wanting to find Emerson. "Oh yes pf course you can you'll just need to-." She said with a lot of doctors and nurses rushing a body by saying code red code red. The man was wearing a ripped up hat, boots,  lack jeans, a jacket and his fist said "barrett.." it was Emerson, he was covered in blood, and his leg looked smushed. Tears stung my eyes. "Emmy." Omg omg I need to see my emmy. I jumped up running to the door, wanting to get to my future husband. The nurse realized and grabbed me. Tears, and snot running down my face. "Emmy, no." I said feeling a pain in my heart, then my arm and everything went black.

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