Part 23- love will always last but sometimes the body wont

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I haven't got any sleep in 2 weeks. Emerson is still in a coma; it's a 40% chance he'll survive. I feel numb, I don't talk to rem and seb, as they are numb, and alone, but they might loose a brother; but I'm loosing my soul mate, and the father of my child.

I haven't ate much, nor changed, or even left his side other than the bathroom. I starred at his cold lifeless body, blood still on his face. I would cry but there are no more tears left. My heart is in a million pieces.

"Joe you need to eat." Remington said, no expression, no emotion, but handed me a box, inside was, what looked like pasta. I took the box only eating for my health. Remington sat in the other chair starring at me. He broke down.

"Jo-Jose I don't know if I can't take it!" He said tears pooling out of his brown eyes. I got up and hugged him. He cried in my shoulder. Everything will be fine. I said over and over in my head. I kissed Remington's forehead and rubbed his back as he sobbed hysterically. A single tear rolled down my pale face and dropped on Remington's sweater. "Remington.... I love your brother more than anything, and I don't know what I'd do if I'd loose him." I mumbled into his once spiked hair now droopy. "Me too." He choked during sobs.

Sebastian doesn't come to the hospital much, due to what happened to Steph. Most the time he's getting drunk and hangs out a strip club, trying to forget what's happening.

As for me and Emerson's child Vic, Emerson, Remington and Sebastian's good friend kellin has been taking care of him for us, because he knows how to raise a child.

I hold Emerson's cold blood crusted had and I felt him move. I jolted up, to see Emerson's droopy tired eyes open. Tears fell from my eyes, not from sadness but from pure happiness. I get my love back, and Sebastian and Remington hey there brother back.

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