Part 8 -cheat

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Me and em got into his car and we drove to the theatre. "What movie do you wanna see?" He asked pulling into the parking lot. "American satan is out, wanna see that?" I said kissing his hand. "I'll watch anything if im with you." He said smiling. I giggled. "That's one of the most cheesiest things I've ever heard." I said laughing. We walked in and Emerson looked at this girl, and just starred at her. He looked nervous. He let go of my hand and looked down. "I'll go get tickets." He said clearing his voice. I don't trust him. He's hiding something. Stop it jose he's your boyfriend you should trust him. "I'll get popcorn." I replied. We went our separate ways. I got a large popcorn and two cokes. I didn't see em anywhere. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. My eyes drifted to the girl Emerson was starring at before. I felt my heart break in that second. I shouldn't have let him go get those tickets. I felt the rush of tears roll down my eyes. I thew the the popcorn on the ground and I walked up to Emerson. I rapped his shoulder. He unlocked lips with the slut and looked surprised. I opened the Coke and dumped it on his head. "Have fun dick head." I said pouring the other Coke on the girls head. I ran out of the theatre tears running down my face. I walked across the street to the gas station. I pulled out my phone and dialled Sebastian's number.

Sebastian, you

"Hello?" Sebastian said through the phone.
"Hey seb can you pick me up?" I sniffled out.
"Where is em, aren't you on a date?"
"We were b-b-but he c-ch-cheated on me." I said sobbing.
"What!! Where are you?" He asked concerned.
"I'm across the movie theatre at the gas station on 3rd ave. I sobbed.
"I'll be there in 5." He said hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket in walked around the store. I bought 2 bags of Cheetos, a carton of ice cream, and 3 2L bottles of ginger ail. I felt my phone buzz. It was Sebastian.

From Sebastian: I'm here.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked outside and got into Sebastian's car with my stuff. "What happened Hun." Sebastian said rubbing my back as he hugged me. "Me and em went to the movies and when we walked in Emerson started starring at this gorgeous girl, and he started acting weird. I thought I was just being paranoid, so I brushed it off as nothing. He went to go get tickets and I got food. I looked all around for em but I couldn't find him. But I then looked at the girl before and em was sucking her face off in a corner. I went up dumped Coke on him and the girls head and I called him a dick head. Then I called you." I said quickly and sobbing. He looked at me shocked. "I'm so sorry Jose, Emerson is going to be punished." I he said trying to make my laugh. I rolled my eyes. "Can we just go please." I said turning to the side, and silently cried. I really liked Emerson. I loved him. I thought he loved me. About 5 minutes I tot he drive, Sebastian asked me. "What did the girl look like?" "She had dark brown hair, darker skin, she looked Mexican, really thin, mid height, big lips, undeniably pretty." I said quickly not looking at him. "Shit." He mumbled. "What?"

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