Part 20- oml

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Your pov

"Push! Push! Push!" The doctors yelled as Emerson gripped my hand. 12 hours of labour sucked but this is the worst part. "PUSH!" The doctor yelled and I pushed as hard as I could and a small scream came. "It's a boy." The doctor said wiping off the gross shit in my baby's face. He handed me my cute pumpkin. I was right about the cute thing. He already had hair, and from the looks of it, it was black like my natural hair colour. Emerson cooed over our child. "What do you wanna name him." I said kissing the father of my son and the love of my life. "Vic for his first name." Emerson said sweetly. "Hmm, how about Vic,vandell kropp." I said finishing the name. "I love it." He said kissing my nose. "I love you." I said kissing him passionately. "I am over the moon in love with you jose." I blushed. "Do you wanna hold Vic?" I said as the name rolled off the tongue. He nodded, and picked up the baby gently, and cooed him.

Emerson went out to get his brothers, to see the baby. I looked down to see Vic's cute face snuggled into by shoulder. This feels so surreal. The door opened to reveal my family, not my biological family but my real family. "Oml he's freaking cute." He said make a squishy face. I giggled at his silliness. "What's his name?" Sebastian asked standing beside my bed. "Vic, vandell kropp." Emerson said holding my hand. "I love it!" Remington said all eyes on the child. "Sorry to break the visit short you guys i need some sleep." I said yawning. "Okay, we'll see you tomorrow." Sebastian and Remington said as they left the room. Emerson sat in the chair beside me, with a piece of paper and a pencil in his hand. "What you doing?" I said a little curious on what he was doing. "Drawing." He said sketching a circle. "Well have fun with that I'm going to sleep." I said kissing his lips. "Okay love sweet dreams." He said with a smile. I closed my eyes and drifted off .

I'm so sorry I haven't updated basically any of my stories. I've been super busy and haven't been writing. Anyways sorry

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