Part 3- movie night

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God I'm such a tease. I closed my door and sat on my bed. I went over the edges of Emersons hat. I put it on the wall, then I took off mine to take a good look at it. It was stunning

People might say it looked mossy and gross but it purposely looked rusted and oldish

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People might say it looked mossy and gross but it purposely looked rusted and oldish. I love it. I put the hat down and took off my shirt to put on another one. "Hey joe yo--." Sebastian said walking in. Good thing I was wearing a bra. Sebastian stood there his face as red as a tomato. "Continue." I said letting out a chuckle. "Oh uh I was going to ask how you were you doing." He said looking at the ground. "I'm fine thanks." I said smiling. We both stood there awkwardly. "Uh can you go." I said. "Oh ya sorry." He said walking out and closing the door. And the door creeped closed, I shook my head. That weird boy. I pulled on a black tank top and I put on some navy blue booty shorts. I put on a black cardigan, and walked downstairs. I went into the living to see Remington eating a thing of Nutella while watching Harry Potter. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hello." He said not caring because he was to into the movie. I giggled and sat beside him. I took his Nutella, and realized I was there. "Oh hey Jose, didn't know you can run." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes." I just said hello to you." "Oh... he he." He said awkwardly. "Wanna watch with me?!!." He said excited. "Sure but Ive never watched Harry Potter." He looked at me and got up. He put a different disk in. "We're having a Harry Potter marathon!!!!" He declared. I awkwardly nodded. He sat down and Emerson and Sebastian came in. Emerson sat on the other couch and Sebastian sat with rem. so I decided to relocate to Emersons spot. "Hello darling." Em said with a smile. "Hello I said sitting beside him. He sat cross legged and I put my feet across his lap. He smiled and we watched the movie.

Half way through the second movie my head was on ems lap. My eyes got tired and heavy. Before I knew it I drifted asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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