Part 16- family

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I'm pregnant. I'm actually pregnant, with the son of my love. I am officially 2 1/5 months pregnant, and I am so happy. Emerson and I are on the couch watching a random movie as he draws and I tune my bass. We go on tour in a week. Even though a baby is on board I'm still playing. It's only 2 months so it wouldn't be that bad. "Babe I'm hungry." I said to Emerson just to annoy him. *sighhhh* "what would you like?" He said putting down his sketch book. "McDonald's." Is aid with a smirk. "Urghhhhhhhhhh, do I have too." He whined. "Uh do you want this baby?!" I said sassily. "Yeah." He said kissing me. "Ok fine I'll be right back." He said grabbing the keys and headed out. I love him.

20 minutes later

Emerson came back with a lot of food. Not complaining though I ate most of it. After we ate Emerson rubbed my feet as we watched lost boys, best movie ever.  "Lest head to bed." Emerson said standing up. "Okay love." I said as he helped me up.

"I love you." He said kissing my forehead. "Love you too." I said hugging him.

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