Part 22-...

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I opened my eyes, thank god that was a dream. I pressed the buzzer to call the nurse. A nurse rushed in "you okay love?" She asked a little nervously. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine has my fiancé returned yet?" I said with a warm smile. She looked mortified. "Um dear you fiancé was in a crash.?" She said a little puzzled but that dreading look stained her pale face. Tears stung and welled my eyes. "W-what... this this was a dream.. no." I said with a nervous laugh on the verge of crying. "I'm sorry Hun." She said awkwardly. "Each tear burned and scared my memory. "Can I see him?" I said, but my voice cracking every word. "Yes dear you can." She said with a smile. I nodded and got up. Stumbling, but soon regaining my balance.

Room 207 next to mine. I opened the door, heart dropping, into my stomach on what I saw. Pale, lifeless, blood stained face of my beloved. Fresh tears made there way to my eyes. His heart Monitor slowly and weakly beeping. "How's he doing." I said to the sad looking nurse, and tears fell down my face. "... not well." She said looking at the ground. Tear after tear left my eyes, heart burning, and a long lasting lump in my throat. I pulled out my almost dead phone and called Remington and Sebastian.

Sebastian and Remington arrived 20 minutes later tears stained there face. "What happened!?" Remington said sniffling. Red and puffy eyed I said "car.... accident." I said giving him a sorrowful look. I sat beside his lifeless body holding his cold hands. Please wake up love...

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