Part 4- the concert

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I woke up to the smell of cooked eggs and burnt potatoes. I realized I was on ems lap. He was still sleeping. I got up trying not to wake him. I walked to the kitchen to see Remington complaining to Sebastian that the potatoes are burnt. "They're not Burt they're roasted." Sebastian said defending himself. "Potatoes aren't supposed to be black, dumbass." Remington spat back. I bursted out laughing. They both look at me. "Do these look burnt to you?" Remington asked. "Uh-." I was cut off by Sebastian. "They're not burnt." Seb spat out. "Let her choose." They both looked at me. I walk over to the potatoes and throw them outside. "Why did you throw my potatoes away?" Sebastian said hurt. "Because THEY WERE BURNT!!!!!!!." Rem screeched. I threw them out so you guys would SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled. "I'm going to make breakfast so shut the hell up." They both did mad I went and started cooking. "What's with all the yelling?" Emerson said rubbing his eyes. "They were fighting if the potatoes were burnt or not." I said annoyed. "So now I'm cooking." Emerson sat between rem and seb. I mixed up pancake mix, and started making pancakes. I also made omelettes and bacon. I finished making all the food, and I handed them plates. They ate it quickly. "I'm glad a girl is living with us." Remmy said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "Hey we're going to a concert tonight." Emerson said smirking. "Who?" I asked. "Andy black." Sebastian said still eating his omelette. "Cool." I said smiling. "What time does it start?" "5:30." Emerson said. " sounds good." I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. Nothing. "Well I'm going to take a shower, while you guys finish eating." Remmys eyes lit up. "Thanks for the food." Rem said getting up and hugging me. "Your welcome?" I said shrugging him off." I walked into the bathroom, as started the warm water. I stripped down and hopped in the shower. The water massaged my back and scalp. Suddenly I heard someone come in. Thanks god there's a curtain. "Who the hell is in here?" I yelled. "Emerson." "Why are you in here?!" I have to piss and there's two bathrooms and Sebastian is taking a bath in the other one. You would have the curtain so I don't have to see anything." I rolled my eyes. "Well hurry up." After he finished he Left. I grabbed a towel and rapped my self and walked to my room. I locked the door and looked for a outfit for tonight. It's 1:30. Holy did I wake up late.

I found one of my favourite black dresses and sloped it on. I added a belt, to make it look cuter. I put on my full black hat, and added some boots.

 I put on my full black hat, and added some boots

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Now time for makeup

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Now time for makeup. I put on some foundation and concealer, and contour. Now time for the eyes. I did a red smokey eye and a black liner on top. I did my eyebrows, and highlighter. Now time for the lips. I put on a dusty rose matt lip.

I was done my makeup now time for hair. I removed my hat and blow dried my hair. Once it was completely dry, I turned on the curling iron and started to curl my hair. Once my hair was in perfect curls I unplugged my iron and put my hat back on.

When everything was don't it was 4:30. Shit I spent a lot of time. My stomach growled. I haven't ate since yesterday. I walked downstairs to the kitchen on the hunt for food. I walk in and all the boys were in there. They were all ready to go.

Emerson hopped down from the counter and stood beside me

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Emerson hopped down from the counter and stood beside me. "You look gorgeous by the way." I blushed and Remington killed down and yelled "group hug."Sebastian rem and em hugged me to death. "What is the point of this." I ask wheezing. "I don't know?" Emerson said. They let go of me. "Are you ready to go?" They asked me. "Well I kinda want food." I replied. "We will grab McDonald's on the way there." Sebastian said. I nodded and followed them oust of the house. We drove to McDonald's, and got some food. I shoved it all down my theoat. Now it was time for the concert! "You excited?" Emerson said grabbing my hand. "Yeah I am." I said smiling. We got to the venue, and we went through the back, which was weird but maybe they have backstage passes. They walk me to the crowd. "We will be right back." They all said. I nodded. I went to the front. I wasn't really sure who was playing first but I was excited.

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