Hope Your Day Isn't Ruined | Peter Parker (TH)

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i unpublished the update from yesterday for those of you that might be wondering why part two isn't up today

this was requested by blueeyedpanther


"Thanks, have a good night."

You stepped out of the twenty-four hour pharmacy/store with a plastic bag in your hand. Glancing around the dark and empty street, you popped your earbuds into your ears and headed out.

Trips to the store weren't rare for you. Ever since you were a teenager and were granted enough freedom to go, you often walked down there whenever you craved a snack or just wanted to get out for a bit. Tonight was no exception.

Except for the police sirens buzzing in the distance, there was no noise around. You enjoyed the rare peace in the atmosphere. Very rarely did Queens ever have a quiet night.

It didn't last long.

You were approaching a streetlight when you felt a sudden rush of cold air and your hair wildly whipped around your face. You gasped as you heard the soft thud of a body landing directly in front of you.

The sudden company made you leap in the air, heart skipping beats and rushing to catch up with the blood pumping.

The figure landed on its feet. You soon recognized the person as it stood up, the spider visible in the middle of his chest.

"Spider-Man," you whispered dumbfoundedly.

"Uh h-hey," he stammered. "Sorry for scaring you, ma'am."

You pulled an earbud out of your ear. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just patrolling and saw you here alone," he said. "It's sort of a cold night to be walking, don't you think?"

You held up the bag and jerked your thumb to the corner store behind you. His head bobbed once as a nod.


You laughed. "I'm not planning on robbing anyone, if you're worried about that. Here." You opened up your plastic grocery bag and pulled out the contents: a bag of potato chips. "See? Here's the receipt." You started walking again.

"Oh no, I wasn't worried about it," he said. "I mean. You never know. People here are crazy!"

"Tell me about it," you sighed. "I live in one of the crappiest neighborhoods in Queens."

"Oh, really? Well, I can walk you home then."

You held up a hand. "Oh no, Spider-Man, I'm sure there are better things to do than walk me down the street-"

"No really," he said. He laughed nervously. "It's a slow night, anyway so it wouldn't be a problem at all."

You bit down on your lip and shrugged. "Okay. Guess it's better than possibly being mugged," you said.

He laughed, the sound muffled underneath his mask.

For the next several days, Spider-Man always found a way to you in time to walk you home. Although he mostly popped up unexpectedly, like when you were walking out of the store or when you were four feet from your apartment, you were grateful for the protection and the company.

It happened so often that you soon thought of him as your friend.

"You sure make an effort to get a bag of chips," he said one night.

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