Dreamer In Disguise | Peter Parker (TH)

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requested by AprilRenton


Peter Parker walked across the parking lot, music playing in his ears, hands gripping his backpack straps, and eyes on you - the new girl.

You had been going to school at Midtown for barely three months. He saw you often at decathalon practice and had two classes with you in the morning. You also sat near him at lunch.

You were quiet and softspoken, mostly communicating with gentle smiles and shy waves. He loved the way your cheeks lit up red when someone called your name from across a room. It was clear you weren't used to the attention you got at Midtown, with your solid group of popular friends.

Peter looked at you and just knew that you were a good person.

He watched you from your spot on a bench, headphones pressing your hair down and book in front of your face. He slowed his pace to observe you longer (which wasn't creepy, he assured himself).

A car horn honked and the sound of a whining engine made him jump. Flash Thompson sped up his car to get Peter to move. Peter hurried to the curb and Flash laughed loudly.

Peter sighed. When he looked back to your bench, you were gone.

He sighed again.


You sat next to Flash and a girl you didn't know the name of. Your tray of grilled cheese squares and bowl of tomato soup was mostly untouched. You nibbled on a couple of saltine crackers, worry on your mind. You worried a lot.

"Hey, _____," Flash said, nudging you.

You jerked out of your thoughts, cracker breaking in your teeth, crumbs covering your shirt and skirt. Flash was blinking at you.

"We were talking about the Halloween party. What were you going to go as?"

"Oh," you said through a mouthful of half chewed crumbs. You brushed specks of white off your shirt and skirt. "Um. Halloween party?"

"Midtown throws one every year," the girl said.


"So what're you gonna be?" he asked.

You scratched the side of your head. "I don't, uh, know if I will be there-"

"Aw, come on!" Flash said. "You have to be there. You don't need a date or anything - you can hang out with us!"

A warm sort of feeling settled in your stomach. Several pairs of eyes stared at you, waiting for your answer. Waiting to hear if you were going to hang out with them at a party.

A friend group was a luxury you were not used to having.

"When is it?" you asked.

Flash picked a paper off a stack you hadn't noticed. He handed it to you. The page was black with a slime pattern around the edges. In elaborate, spooky themed font, a date stared back at you.

"I'm the president of the dance-slash-party planning committee," he boasted, "and it would be awesome if you could come."

You nodded. "Okay," you said. "Okay, I'll come."

Flash grinned. "Awesome."

You nodded and looked around at the group, finally feeling accepted. You picked up a triangle of grilled cheese, dunked it in your soup, then took a big bite. Worry wasn't gnawing at your stomach anymore.

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