I Was Better (part one) | Peter Parker (TH)

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i only have two requests left (& i'm working on them) so this is not requested

but i will make a part two to this depending on how much you guys like it


With heavy eyes, you stared at the closed locker in front of you. The sleeves of your Midtown High sweatshirt stopped just before your fingertips as you turned the lock, putting in your combination.

You hated mornings.

As you yanked open the locker, groaning as it got jammed momentarily, you heard a quiet pattern of footsteps. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a pair of red sneakers behind your locker door.

You peeked over the door and smiled at one of your only friends, Peter Parker. It took only a moment before you realized how red his eyes were.

"Holy moly, Peter," you said, shutting your locker door. "What happened with you?"

"I was up all night," he explained. He sniffed and held up one of the paper cups he held in his hands. "This... was your coffee. I drank it."

You grimaced. "That tired, huh?"

"Yeah," he said.

"What was it this time? Nothing too bad I hope," you said.

He shook his head. "Just a busy night."

You nodded. You knew about Peter's life as Spider-Man. You had found out at the same time Ned did. While it bothered you that he never trusted you enough to tell you, you forgave him and moved on. Peter meant a lot to you; there was no reason to hate him for having a dangerous job and a couple of big secrets.

"Please tell me you finished the packet for Biology," he said pathetically.

You sighed. "You didn't do it?"

"No! I was busy," he said softly.

"Peter, you know how I feel about letting you copy off of me-"

"I'll be real fast, ___. I would copy off of Ned but he didn't finish it! He has Biology sixth so he's going to work on it during study hall." Peter poured. "Please, ___. I bought you a coffee today."

"You buy me one everyday and I never ask you to," you said. "And you drank it."

"Please," he begged.

You sighed and hung your head back. Your mind was screaming no! but you knew that you couldn't deny helping Peter. The boy put his life on the line every day while you stressed about homework.

"Okay, Peter," you said. "I'll let you copy." You glanced around the hall nervously and dug around in your backpack.

Peter laughed. "You're acting like I just asked for drugs or something," he said.

You glared at him. "Shut up, Parker." You handed him the filled packet. "You'd better hurry because you only have until five after before we turn these in."

"I'll be quick," he said. He gave you a loving look. "Thanks, ___. You're the best."

"I know," you said, very Han Solo like. You lifted your chin proudly.

Peter quickly ran to class. You frowned at the empty coffee cup in your hand and walked over to the trashcan. You'd really hoped for some caffeine this morning.

Making your way in the classroom, you rolled your eyes at Flash as he bragged about his dad's new car. Flash was your friend - something that surprised even you - but sometimes he got on your nerves.

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