Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Woman | Peter Parker (TH)

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this is an au where peter never got bit by a radioactive spider but the reader did instead and is now "spider-woman"

this was seriously such a cute idea omg. i love it

requested by roohie_m17


You walked into school holding your left arm to your side. You hoped the long sleeve would hide the fact that you had gauze wrapped all the way down the length of it. You winced as you pushed your fingers into the tender flesh, preferring that over wild teenagers knocking into your arm as they dash to class.

You moved slower than usual, the weight of a late night burdening you. You absolutely loved what you did and knew it had to be done, but sometimes it took its toll on you.

Literally no one (aside from Tony Stark) knew about your powers. No one knew that you were bit by a radioactive spider and the next day woke up with the ability to climb walls without problem. You had kept the secret from your parents and your friends, and from your boyfriend, Peter Parker.

You knew that telling him would only put him in danger. Not only that, but Peter worried constantly. You didn't want him to worry about you anymore than he already did now.

Because of your superhero life, you missed out on a lot of dates. Study dates, romantic dates, dates to the movies. You cancelled over half the time and tended to schedule things early in the mornings, when crime was less popular.

Last night in particular, you had to stop a gunman that was holding up a bunch of people in a bank just before closing. It took you almost too long to break in and confront the guy, and even longer to get him to hear you out. And just when you thought he would listen, he turned his weapon on you and the people. It wasn't a gun at all - it was a high-tech torch.

It gave you a nasty burn up your arm and a bunch of terrified victims to protect. The fight lasted longer than it should have and you were forced to limp home and tend to your scorched arm on your own.

You stopped at your locker and unlocked it. Behind you, you heard the gossip about Spider-Woman was already spreading around.

Flash Thompson, your apparent biggest fan, was the first to gush about the event. You found it funny that he liked Spider-Woman so much when he hated you with a passion and bullied you every chance he had.

"Liz, did you see the footage from last night? One of the victims held up in the bank posted this sick video of Spider-Girl at the bank. Look at her go!"

Your blood burned. It was Spider-Woman, not Spider-Girl, but no one in Midtown (or in Queens, actually) could remember that.

"Holy crap," Liz gasped. "Do you think she's okay? Her arm could have been burned off!"

"I think she's fine," Flash said. "She's amazing. There's no way she'd let something like that stop her."

You smiled. For once in his life, Flash was right.


Peter Parker was listening to music by his locker while he went over a study guide for the hardest Spanish test of his ninth grade year. It was something he was supposed to study with you yesterday, before you cancelled last minute and then ignored his texts all night.

Peter would be lying if he said it didn't worry him that you were always avoiding him. He was insecure; a nerd always in the spotlight for bullies. You were pretty and, while nerdy, confident. Something he could never be.

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