There's Just One Thing I Need (part one) | Peter Parker (TH)

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surprise! it's up a couple of days early. i ended up sleeping for 14 hours and then woke up feeling much better, which is good, because i'm about to overeat so much.

i sort of combined some ideas here to make this. it'll probably be lengthy like Not That Girl - hope you guys enjoy it! i really think you will.


You felt giddy with excitement as you walked out of the crowded shopping complex, bags of Christmas gifts for your friends and family hanging from your arms. You thought of all the great deals you had scored during this year's Black Friday shopping. Although you were upset you had to go alone, you were happy to have been able to go at all - and now you were out and on your way home, barely one o'clock in the morning, earbuds in your ears, blaring Christmas music. 

You were finally in the Christmas spirit, and nothing could bring you down from it. 

Your lips moved with the words of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas that played through your earbuds. You felt the cold air of the New York winter bite your cheeks, but the coffee you sipped made it almost bearable. And then, over the sound of bell-like music, you heard the gruff voice of a man. 

You turned your head, eyebrows furrowed, and saw three men stumbling a few feet away, tripping over the curb and laughing, bracing themselves against buildings as they laughed and yelled and called for you. Three drunk men were calling for you. 

Your heart skipped a beat and your stomach dropped somewhere far, far behind you. You looked away quickly and picked up speed, cursing yourself for wearing the stupid high heeled boots that hurt your feet. You heard them grow closer. Thankfully, they were so out-of-it-drunk that it was impossible for them to get too close. 

You fidgeted for your phone, knowing quite well that scaring them by calling the police gave you a better shot at surviving than actually trying to fight them. They were drunk, yes, but they were also big. They would tower over you. It wouldn't take much to knock you down. 

Your shaking fingers dialed the number, screwing up several times as your mind went blank in panic. Was this really happening to you? Were you really about to get mugged or kidnapped or killed or-

"Hey, baby! Wait for us!" one of them shouted as you turned a corner. Moments after screaming that, he threw up all over the street. 

You broke out into a run, turning your head to catch a glimpse of the man promptly slipping and falling into his puddle of vomit. When you turned back, disgusted and relieved, your face smacked into the chest of yet another man, only this one wasted no time to clamp a hand over your mouth and drag you in the darkness of an alleyway. 

You screamed and thrashed, opening your mouth to bite at the hand that blocked your yells. You managed to get your mouth around one of his fingers and bit down hard, making an almost animal-like squeak come out of the man. 

"Hey, ow! What gives?" He snapped his hand back and looked at it, hissing. Then, his head jerked towards yours and he touched the hand to the center of his chest, where you noticed a symbol of a spider. "Oh, you- you think I'm trying to kidnap you! Oh gosh, no- I'm sorry! I'm not, ma'am, I'm not. My name is, uh, Spider-Man, and I'm here to rescue you!"

You looked at him, huffing as you pushed a strand of hair out of your eyes. "Okay, Luke Skywalker," you mocked. He tilted his head. "Never mind. This isn't the time for jokes." Your face burned. 

"You like Star Wars?" he mumbled, then held up his hands. "Right, right. No jokes!"

"Hey, girl!" 

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