There's Just One Thing I Need (part three) | Peter Parker (TH)

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this part is the fluffiest ever tbh

and also

here is the bABY

here is the bABY

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With two warm cups of hot cocoa in your gloved hands, you walked up to your open window. It was two weeks before Christmas, and you were waiting for Spider-Man. Days like this were typical now; you would wait for him to stop by your window, a cup of hot cocoa or tea waiting for him, and he would sit on your floor, you in front of him, and he would talk about his job, and you would talk about your life at school, and his mask would stay rolled up just below his nose, and everything would feel absolutely perfect. You loved every moment of it. 

It was quickly approaching six thirty, and Spider-Man was late. He was typically late, of course, since his job was pretty much unpredictable. You shrugged it off; you could just heat the hot chocolate up again when he showed up.

Hopefully, you thought, he was safe. You couldn't help but worry for him sometimes.  

For now, you grabbed a clean blanket out of your closet and wrapped it around your shoulders. Keeping your window open in the dead of winter was something you couldn't explain to your parents, but you couldn't just keep it closed when Spider-Man could get locked outside in the frigid cold, several feet off the ground. 

You leaned against the wall, blanket tight around your shoulders, and waited, eyes on the view of clouds and buildings. You weren't sure how much time passed, but you'd managed to sip both cups of cocoa before dozing off, frozen nose buried in your blanket. 


The sky had been dark for hours.

"What time is it, Karen?" Peter asked, swinging into your neighborhood. 

"It is nine sixteen," she said.

"Crap," he hissed, guilt creeping in. "I'm so late-" 

Peter finally landed on the sill of it, feet patting softly against the wood. He ducked inside, an apology spilling softly out of his lips. The room was dim and smelled faintly of cocoa. He looked around, shivering in the cold, eyebrows furrowed, expecting to hear you greet him or lightly scold him. 

Instead, he saw you sitting against the wall, sleeping deeply, wrapped up in a blanket but still shivering, two empty cups of cocoa (one meant for him no doubt) beside you. 

His heart skipped a beat as he glanced back at the window he came in through. You had kept it open for him, made hot cocoa for him to come back to, and waited for him. He sighed gently, a smile tugging on his lips. He shook his head and scratched his neck, feeling a little flustered at the thought of someone caring for him so much. 

"What's the matter, Peter?" Karen asked in his ear. 

"Nothing," he said dreamily, looking at you with adoration. He walked over to you and knelt down, pulling the blanket away from your nose. You whimpered at the cold. He hushed you, awkwardly moving his arms around to scoop you up and cradle you against his chest. Your eyes opened as he stood up and shifted you. He smiled again. "Hey, you."

"Hey, Spidey," you mumbled, head rolling. 

"I'm taking you to bed, is that okay?"

"Mhm. Why?" you asked. 

He turned towards your bed and lowered you to it. "Because you were asleep on the floor, Snowflake." He turned red when he called you that. Why did he call you that?

"Snowflake?" you said. "Why did you call me that?"

"U-Um... I don't- I don't know," he choked. "Sorry-"

"No, I like it," you murmured. With your head on the pillow, you nestled deeply into the softness of your sheets. "I'm cold."

"Yeah, hang on," he said, and he pulled up the comforter folded at the foot of your bed. He yanked it up over you and stood back, feeling awkward again as he looked down at you. "A-Are you good?"

"I'm good," you said. 

He nodded. "Sorry I was late, Snowflake."

"S'okay," you said. "Just come over tomorrow, 'kay?" 

He smiled. "Okay. I'll be here on time, promise." He walked around your bed, watching you as he swung a leg out of the window. "See ya, Snowflake." 

"Bye," you slurred. 

Before he swung off, he turned around and pulled the glass down. 

"Do you like her, Peter?" Karen asked. 

He smiled to himself. "Let's go home, Karen."


The next day, by the end of the school day, you had the sniffles. You trudged out of the building, groaning at the sight of grey slush on the sidewalks. You wiped your nose with a tissue and looked up, seeing Spider-Man land in front of you, hopping off a fence. 

"Snowflake," he said. He crossed your arms and you gave him a quick half smile. "Hey, are you sick?"

"Allergies," you lied. 

"Those aren't allergies," he said. "I bet it's from you keeping that window open all night. ___, you can't keep doing that. You look miserable."

"If the window is closed, you can't come in," you whined, "and it's too cold out there for you to wait!"

"Then I won't wait! From now on, no meeting at your window," he declared, hands up. "No more."

You frowned. "So what, you don't want to hang out with me?" you asked.   

He sighed, mask getting sucked in with this breath. "You're being ridiculous, Snowflake. Of course I want to hang out with you."

"I know," you mumbled, shyly looking away. "Sorry, I get grumpy when I'm sick. I don't mean it."

You couldn't see it, but you were sure he was smiling. "Hey, it's okay. We can go get a hot cocoa and find someplace warm enough for you to sit in. And maybe we can stop for cold medicine for you..."

"I'll be okay," you mumbled. "But cocoa sounds great, so long as we get it at that place that puts marshmallows and peppermint."

"I would get nothing less than perfect cocoa for you, Snowflake," he said, and as you beamed at him for a long moment, his hand found yours. He turned so his shoulder was against yours and swung your connected hands, making you blush. He looked down at your intertwined fingers. "I... should probably tell you something."

"Okay," you said faintly. 

"I've sort of... started to like you," he whispered. "A lot."

"Okay." You smiled. "I like you, too, Spidey. A lot." 



He squeezed your hand. "Okay. I'd, uh, kiss you, but you have a cold."

You sniffed. "Understandable."

"We'll just postpone it," he said. 

You laughed and nodded. "Sure. Our first kiss, which is going to be amazing, is postponed."

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