You Think It's Easy? | Peter Parker (TH)

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this is another one based off of rewrite the stars, but it's different :) requested by maciethegreat 

I LOVED writing this, just so ya'll know. 

 - and hey, i started college this week and am super stressed and overwhelmed and discouraged so i'm asking for prayer. i've had 18 panic attacks in the last two days alone. i'm exhausted and constantly sick. this obvs isn't healthy, and i'm mostly beating myself up over how scary my history class is, so please pray for me. pray that i can get through the class without anxiety and actually like my professor. also, pray i can understand the assignments. and that i make friends, because hey - only one person has talked to me and that was because he had to. :)))))))))

i highkey wanna quit, which i know is normal bc it's the beginning, but i am not made for change, and this is the biggest change i have ever gone through. 

rewrite the stars / the greatest showman


Peter had an okay life before he was bitten by the radioactive spider. 

He was a good student and a good nephew. He did his homework (most of the time begrudgingly) and complimented Aunt May on her seriously awful turkey meatloaf. He was fine with the life he lived, even if it meant he only had one friend (Ned) and had crushes on girls he would never have a chance with (Liz). 

Of course, the moment he was bit by the spider and developed power after power later on, he realized how unhappy he had been. He was suddenly super strong, super fast, and healed from a paper cut in mere seconds. He could also climb walls, which was handy when he wanted to sneak out of his bedroom and fight crime - just because he could. 

Not only that, but his powers gave him confidence for a while, and in that confidence, he met you. 

You were a girl in his art class that kept to herself and did her work quietly at her desk. One day, Peter confidently said your oil pastel artwork was easily the best in the class, and you gave him the widest smile he had ever seen. It made his heart skip a beat, and he didn't hesitate to ask you out for coffee. 

You went out with him again and again, all the way up until his world came crashing down when Ben died. After that, he was distant, and you understood. He didn't have to explain. You told him to call you when he was ready, and in the meantime, you were there. You brought him breakfast in the mornings because you knew he wouldn't eat on his own and you helped catch him up on homework assignments he wasn't up for completing. 

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