I Can Save Today | Peter Parker (TH)

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hey, guys! so I've been on my trip for two days (and am heading back home tomorrow) and planned everything out so that i could write and update every night. but early Saturday morning i ended up having a severe allergic reaction to something outside - and we were gonna be outside all day. my head was absolutely throbbing, my eyes were swollen and leaking, my entire face looked pale and bruised, and my nose and throat felt more swollen than anything. i could hardly breathe or swallow.

so im very sorry for not updating but i did see wonder woman and therefore am inspired to do a very angsty imagine. this was not requested (and does not spoil the movie for those of you who have not seen it - but of course if you've seem BvS, you have a general idea as to what happened)

ill be back to doing requests tomorrow!!! love you all!!


Peter Parker was a worrier.

He worried about too many things for a sixteen year old boy. Most teenage boys worried about not having the courage to ask a girl out, failing a test at school, making a fool out of himself in front of everyone, or simply just getting his phone taken away.

But Peter worried about other things. He would lay awake at night obsessing over his fears. He would think about everyone discovering his secret identity, would fight nightmares of villains returning and hurting those he cared about. That last one always lead back to you.

You had Peter wrapped around your finger the moment he heard you laugh. You were a symbol of hope for him; a sign that even as Spider-Man, he could be a normal teenage boy.

You made sure he didn't miss out on anything. Everyone always said that school dances and graduations didn't matter in the end, but you believed wholeheartedly that they did, and Peter shouldn't miss them for the world.

You dragged him (sometimes unwillingly) to everything. You wanted him to have the "full teenage experience" which, in your eyes, meant all the dances, dates to the movie theater, group dates with friends, kissing in dark closets at school to avoid getting caught, and just being young.

Peter didn't mind. He had a girlfriend that adored him and showed it every day. He loved when you held his hand in the hall or lifted his hand to your lips and kissed his knuckles when you were sitting on the bus and he was standing.

He didn't deserve you and he knew that. Knowing that made him worry even more.

He feared that you would leave him one day. Not one day ended without him trying to be the best boyfriend he could be. He wanted to be normal for you and he tried so hard, but sometimes it just wasn't enough.

It was twenty minutes into your best friend's birthday party. It was a huge event taking place in a hotel party room. Your best friend lived for elegance, and while there wasn't much of it in Queens, she found it on her birthday - by hosting ballroom dances and fancy parties.

Peter threw open the doors, his hands going to his tie. He yanked it out of place and tossed it on the steps. The text Happy had sent him raced across his mind.

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