The World We're Gonna Make | Peter Parker (TH)

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this wasn't requested, but it is everything i'm waiting for. so when those of you message me making fun of me for waiting, this is why. :)))

when you're finished reading, PLEASE read the author's note at the end. just read it please bc i don't want to keep repeating what i'll be saying haha


Waiting for your future husband was one of the hardest things you had ever done. You had days and nights of tears, days and nights of anger, days and nights of doubt and of self loathing. While everyone else had someone, you had no one - never had, and, if you were indulging in your fears too much, never would. Valentine's Day was cold and empty and pointless, but that felt like the same as every other day, because you were so discouraged in waiting.

But in the end, when the end of your waiting period finally came to an end, it was all worth it.

Because you had met him and he had loved you instantly.

And today, you watched him from the netting of your veil. He lifted it, and you stared at him with wet eyes as he softly began to cry, his cold, shaking hands taking yours.

And he was yours, forever.


Peter Parker had met you in an alley. He was unmasked and only halfway in his suit when he had heard the scream for help. He raced out from behind the dumpster, slipping his sleeves on and smacking the spider at the center of his chest, and hurried.

He saw you the minute a hand smacked you across the face. He tackled the guy, knocked him out, and returned your stolen cash to you.

And then he realized he was not wearing his mask. He looked at you, the shaking and frightened girl against the wall, and he was a goner.


Peter vowed to take care of you in that moment. He would get angry even thinking that someone could hurt you. He put all of his energy into taking care of you and protecting you, even before he ever asked you to be his. He was your protector, and you were so happy to have him.

He liked to take you to the movies because you were always so emotionally involved. You were giddy during superhero movies. You were jumpy during horror. And you cried when the movies were sad.

On the third "date", as Peter watched you press a tissue against your nose, he reached over and took your warm hand in his.

And oh gosh - he never wanted to let go.


But he did.

It was three months into the relationship and Peter had just come to realize the extent of how dangerous his life really was, and how he was the reason you had a target on your back.

He saved you. Of course he saved you. He would fight to the end of the world to keep you safe, and that's what he did. He fought his way to you, pulled your limp, bruised body into his strong arms, and cried out your name.

Your lips parted and your eyes opened slightly. A tear slipped down your bruised cheek.

"Peter," you breathed, "you're home."

And of course, home meant you.

Because even after just three months of being together, you were the love of his life. There was no doubt in his mind.

And he loved you so much, the tiny, broken, scared, hurt girl tucked in his chest. He loved you so much that it hurt his heart and made him sob loudly, over your face, drenching your skin in tears.

You didn't say anything, just smiled. Because he was there for you, he had saved you. Peter Parker, your protector, your hero, the one you had waited so long for. He came and he was there.


But he couldn't keep you after that.

His heart ached when he told you that it was over. He saw you shatter and replayed it again and again in his mind. You had waited for him, and now he was abandoning you.

But it was dangerous, being with him. And he did not want you in danger, ever. He would rather you be far away and safe than close and on danger, no matter how bad he hurt.


He came back, though.

He had to.

Months later, when he wasn't so scared for you and wasn't able to hold back from seeing you, he begged you to stay with him.

He knew that you were the one. You were who he was going to spend the rest of his life with, who he was going to strive to do better for, who he would give anything for.

And you welcomed him back with open arms, knowing that you'd wait a million years for him if you had to.


Peter looked back on his life, all twenty years in total with two wonderful years with you, and wondered how he had gotten so lucky. Right in front of him was a beautiful girl in all white, gripping his hands and saying her vows to him.

And you would be his forever.

I promise to love you always. I promise to be patient and kind and gentle. I promise to never leave you or let you go through a single trial alone. I promise to hold you always, Peter. I promise to live here, here in this world that we're going to make, and keep you always. You made waiting worth it. You made it so worth it.

He felt tears on his cheeks and you smiled at him, red lips curling upward, dimples deepening. He cupped your face for a brief moment and whispered, low and fast, "I love you so much."

"And I love you," you whispered. "I love you so much that I would wait a million years for you, Peter Parker."

Moments after, you were his wife. And he kissed you deeply, pouring all of the love he had into it. You gave him everything in that kiss, too - because for all of those years waiting, you had been building up the love, and now you could finally give it to the one you were meant to be with.


okay. so i have reached the maximum number of parts allowed in a story. if y'all want me to continue these, i'll have to make a second book.

i'll be posting it on Friday, but for now, make a note that Spider-Man Imagines II will be published soon, and if you don't read this to know that, then you're never gonna understand why i stopped updating this book.

there will be 2 updates left in this book, then a final reminder and cover reveal of the second.

if you wanna make a cover for Spider-Man Imagines II, feel free. email me ( or publish it somewhere & tag me

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