Not That Girl (part five) | Peter Parker (TH)

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my newest spider-man book has JUST been published, so check it out! it's called ' perfect | ned leeds x reader ' and it is filled with references to star wars & friends! hope you all like it as much as i think you will!

my newest spider-man book has JUST been published, so check it out! it's called ' perfect | ned leeds x reader ' and it is filled with references to star wars & friends! hope you all like it as much as i think you will!

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here's part five of Not That Girl!

there will be more parts to this!!! you don't have to ask!!!


"Can I walk you home?" Peter asked.

Ever since the apology, he had been following you home like a loyal dog. He was muttering apologies every few minutes, although you begged him to stop because you'd already forgiven him.

Still, it was tense around Peter. You still liked him a lot and he still didn't like you. And as you looked at him, you could see that he sensed your uncertainty.

"We don't have to talk," he said, "not about any of it." He smiled a closed lips smile and nodded, tucking his notebooks under his arm. "It's just... let me walk you home, ___. I wanna make things normal again."

You doubted things could ever be normal again. Sure, he was your friend again and sure, you had forgiven him, but you were still you, the girl that didn't get the boy and he was still Peter, perfect and cute and the boy you wished you could get.

You looked at him and your heart still hurt.

"Uh, sure," you mumbled.

His eyes lit up. "I can walk you home?" he asked.

You smiled and nodded.

"Okay, awesome!" He grinned. "So, I need to tell you about something Ned did in Chemistry..."


After school, Peter walked you out of the building. Ned was climbing in his mom's car, shouting goodbye over her impatient honking. He had seemed relieved by you and Peter making up and even apologized a dozen times and bought you a candy bar from the vending machine to make up for it.

As you ate the candy bar, Peter talked to you about Spider-Man, who he was still obsessed with being, even when he had been him for over a year now. You nodded and laughed, feeling halfway normal for a while.

And then a honk sounded behind you and you turned your head. A silver car slowed down as it drove by the curb. Flash Thompson sat inside, his girlfriend and homecoming date practically on hi lap.

"Sup, Parker!" he exclaimed, and then honked the horn and held it down before speeding off.

His girlfriend turned around and waved, even though she probably didn't know either of you.

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