There's Just One Thing I Need (part ten) | Peter Parker (TH)

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and we've made it to the last part! thanks to everyone who kept up with this series

sorry this is a day late, i'm sick again. :-( prayers are much appreciated, y'all


Peter hit send and then scrolled up through the rest of the messages. He sighed, weeks of texts with no response setting a heavy weight in his heart.

You had successfully avoided him at school until winter break. Now, he had even a smaller chance of seeing you, and you wouldn't answer a single text or call. He had stopped calling a week ago, the sound of your voicemail too much for him to hear every single day.

He was half tempted to stop texting you, too. That was clearly what you wanted, since every message was ignored and never read.

He tried one last time.

___, I am so sorry for everything I did. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was selfish and I'm just sorry. Please respond. Please let me know you're okay.

He turned the screen off and felt himself crumble. He absolutely hated himself. No one had ever screwed up as badly as he had. He had broken the heart of a girl so kind and warm - he had broken her. She never ignored texts. She never looked overwhelmingly sad at school. She never didn't go get a cup of hot cocoa at the café, but he had been keeping an eye on the tiny building she loved, and she hadn't come by even once.

"I'm an idiot," he groaned, face in his hands. He dropped his phone in his lap. "Gosh, I'm so stupid-"

His phone buzzed. He looked up from his palms with a start, a glimpse of hope in his chest as he picked up a phone and turned on the screen, but it was just Aunt May letting him know that she was going to be home late because she was taking a second shift. She had been doing that a lot lately, since Christmas was coming in just a couple of days.

He typed back a quick okay, love you and put his phone back in his backpack. And then, just as he was about to leave and head home for dinner, the familiar sound of electricity and screams filled his ears.

"Great," he said, yanking his mask on. "This is just great." He stood up and hopped onto the ledge of a window down below, heading towards the scene of the crime where Shocker was undoubtedly waiting for him.


Against your will, your mother had sent you out for last minute groceries. She said she needed brown sugar and flour to finish up desserts for Christmas dinner, but you assumed it was really because you had been doing nothing but moping for days. You walked to the store, and on the way back, saw a huge crowd facing one way on a street.

You slowly approached, curiosity getting the better of you. You jumped when they all suddenly broke out into applause and cheers. Then you saw Spider-Man swing his way between two buildings and saw a ray of blue electricity follow him.

"Yay! Spider-Man!" a man shouted, hands up in the air.

"Hey guys!" he replied as cheerfully as ever. He swung back around. "You should really get out of here, though!"

You sighed, your heart heavy as you heard his voice. You had forced yourself to forgive Peter, but it still hurt you to see him.

You were just about to turn around and leave when a trail of blue cut across the building to your right, shattering windows and bending the wall. You gasped, groceries slipping out of your hands. The people around you screamed and cowered. A couple of web grenades were shot at it, gluing the pieces together.

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