Nan's Jewel~ Chapter 28 <3 Zillah

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AN: This is by far my favorite chapter. This one and the one where Zillah and Edward cry... All I have to say is "STUPID STUPID STUPID AARON!"

okay, I'm done ranting. PLEASE COMMENT< VOTE< COMMENT< VOTE< ECT!

PS: Sorry about the video, I know it is REALLY random, but I just love Mitchell Davis, and felt like sharing my favorite video with you guys! I would have waited for the next chapter, but it's a little..... hard. I've hit writer's block, so I thought I would post it on this one! Okay fine, I'm procrastinating! But it never killed anyone....




Chapter 28- Zillah

I felt horrible. I longed to lie down, and try and rest, but Edward's crazy ex kept me up on deck. She claimed that the fresh air would do me good. I agreed with the fresh air, but not the standing. As we stood, Ash kept randomly singing the same song she had when Edward and I arrived.

"Ash, I really need to lie down, I don't feel well."I confessed.

"I'M ON A BOAT!"She cried.

"Ash? I really need to lie down."I said, struggling to hold my food down.

"I'M ON A BOAT!"Ash cried.

"ASH!"I nearly screamed.

"Yes Zillah?"Ash replied, as if nothing had happened.

"I really need to lie down, I don't feel well."I repeated.

"Oh but Zillah, the ocean air will work wonders."Ash replied.

"But I don't-."I started, before I lost the battle with my food.

"Oh dear. Maybe you should lie down."Ash said, already calling for the mess to be cleaned up.

After that she ignored me as I struggled down to my room, and collapsed into the bed. As I lay, sleep refused to come. My stomach heaved and rolled, and I felt positively awful. I must have dozed off eventually because when I left my room again, it was early morning, as opposed to late evening when I went down. Edward and Ash were nowhere to be found, and I thought of the most probable place they were, and then pushed the thought away. I stood leaning against the railing of Ash's ship feeling much better. I even found the gentle rolling of the waves and ship soothing. As I thought, my mind began to wander. It had been weeks since I had kept track of time, and as Edward came up on deck I questioned him about the date.

"It is the 1st of August."He answered.

"Oh Lord!"I thought.

The date furthered what I thought couldn't be true. I was pregnant... With Aarons' child.

<3<3<3<3<3 Edward <3<3<3<3<3

After I did my half of the bargain between Ash and I, I felt very guilty. But I did promise a child to my ex, in order to get to Port Royal. What's to be guilty about? As I lay with Ash in my arms, I prayed for forgiveness, not only from God, but from Zillah. I was bothered by how much I worried about Zillah's reaction to my bargain. After lying with Ash, I realized it had never felt as right as when I laid with Zillah. Once I was sure Ash was asleep I snuck out of the bed and wandered onto the deck, where Zillah asked me about the date. When I told her, her face fell so quickly, I thought she might lose her food again, not that she had any more left.

"Zi-."I began to ask, but then I decided to think.

I thought about the morning on the island, when I had found Zillah on the beach, and of what had happened the previous night. I felt the usual pang of blame for not being there to help her. Then I thought of her sickness, not only today, but what I thought was unrelated yesterday, and the day before.

"Oh Lord!"I cried, not sure if I said it out loud until Zillah appeared by my side.

"Edward? Are you okay?"She asked.

"Zi, your..."I began. Zillah nodded her head solemnly. "For sure?"

"Positive."She answered, before breaking down in tears.

"Oh Zillah, its okay. We'll handle it."I promised, holding her to my chest, trying to calm her.

"Good morning Edward."Ash said.

I quickly broke away from Zillah, and turned to my ex.

"Morning Ash."I greeted, though it wasn't very excited.

"Zillah, whatever is wrong?"Ash asked, sounding for a second like she might actually care for her husbands' "girlfriend".

"Nothing, I'm fine."Zillah said, standing a little straighter.

"Glad to hear it."Ash said, already leaving.

"Oh Lord do I dislike her!"Zillah whispered.

"Try being married to her."I muttered. "I'm truly sorry Zillah, I really am."I said.

"Don't worry Edward, it wasn't your fault."She said.

"But Zillah, if I would have been there I could have stopped him."I protested.

"Edward, I'll be fine."She said, though her voice cracked, and she broke down in sobs again.

I led her down to her room and set her on the bed so she could cry herself out. She sat with her head buried into my still loose hair for hours, sobbing. When she stopped I untangled her from my head, and looked at her tear-stained, red, puffy, beautiful face.

"Zillah, I love you."I said, gently kissing her brow. She snuggled close to me again.

"I love you too Edward."She mumbled, and then she was asleep.

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