Nan's Jewel~ Chapter 31 <3 Edward

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AN: I PROMISE a longer chapter is coming soon! :D

Chapter 31- Edward

After Zillah left, there was an uncomfortable silence between me and her mother. Thankfully, neither of us broke it.

"And what is your name young man?"A male voice asked coming into the room. He had the same copper hair that Zillah had, so I thought him to be her father.

"I am Captain Edward Dubois."I answered.

"Captain? In the navy?"He asked.

"No sir, of the Nan's Jewel."I answered.

"I've heard of her, very fast."He said.

"Now Chandler, let us introduce ourselves."Zillah's mother said.

"Yes, of course dear. Edward, I am Chandler Taffton, Zillah's father, and this is my wife, Lady Paige Taffton, Zillah's mother."Chandler said.

"Very nice to meet you sir and ma'am."I replied, with a quick bow.

"Now, I would ask for your story from Zillah, but she seems to have a few problems of her own."Paige said, glaring at me.

"Now darling, give him time to explain."Chandler said, obviously not seeing Zillah's condition yet.

"Thank you."I said, before explaining everything that had happened. When I finished, Zillah's parents were absolutely horrified.

"Poor Zillah."Paige murmured, staring off into the distance.

"That explains so many things."Chandler said, stroking his beard. "I am glad Zillah survived."

"But what about the child?"Paige cried. "She's not even married yet, and now no sane person would take her, considering what has happened to her honor!"

"I must be insane then."I thought, thinking of how much I loved Zillah.

"I'll shall go down first thing tomorrow and talk with the Governor about this."Chandler said, sweeping out of the room.

"Edward, do you have feelings for my daughter?"Paige asked boldly.

"Aye- I mean, I do."I answered, wondering where she could be going with this.

"I can tell. Whenever her name was mentioned you perked up, and you spoke about her with such a passion."Paige replied with a laugh.

"She is a wonderful lady."I murmured.

"That she is that she is. Does she feel the same way?"Paige said.

"She does, she told me so herself."I answered.

"I like you Edward; you seem to be a lovely young man."Paige said, rising. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to go prepare for dinner. I'll have Abigail show you to your room."The same elderly woman who opened the door returned and led me up to a well furnished, masculine room.

"Dinner is at six."She said, leaving. The clock read only four.

Feeling extremely tired I lay on the bed fully clothed and drifted off to sleep.

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