Chapter 2

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Ch. 2

We drove to the hotel and were told sleeping/bathroom arrangements. Me and Harry share. Kelsey and Louis. Samantha and Zayn. Cassie and Niall. Adele and Liam.

Some rooms had two beds. And some didn't. I felt slightly awkward I got one that did in fact, only have one bed. Harry didn't seem to mind and I normally wouldn't. But Liam told me on the way to the hotel...

That Harry was addicted to always being naked. And if that's true, I rather not be in a bed with Harry... While he's naked. I sighed laying on the bed once I was done settling in. Harry walked in and smiled lightly. "It's not time for bed. Would you want to watch a movie maybe?" He asked.

I grinned nodding my head. He got some random movie that had started on tv and we laid down on the bed. Soon later, we got popcorn and weren't watching the movie at all. I threw a piece up in the air and he caught it in his mouth. "Ha!!! 8 to 5!" I rolled my eyes as we repeated the same game over and over until I finally gave up. I looked at the time and sighed. Only 11:30 pm. "Are you tired?" He asked and I almost laughed at that adorable accent.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "Not at all." "Okay!" He stood up and grabbed my hand. I laughed as he pulled me down the hall to Kelsey and Louis's room. He barged in. "Guys, I have an idea!" Harry said happily. Louis and Kelsey were glaring at each other and looked ready to fight each other. I raised my eyebrows. "What's up with you two?" I asked. "He kissed me!" Kelsey dramatically threw her hands in the air and then dropped them to her hips.

"What's wrong with that?!" Louis defended. Harry and I just sighed. "I don't know you!" "It's your fault, your too hot!" Louis said and I burst out laughing. "Just shut up and be friends. We're going swimming." Harry said smirking and pulled me with him out of the room. "They are gonna get together." I said. He nodded. "Yep!" I smiled and went to get on a bikini. I put over a cover up and grabbed my phone, then walked to the main living room.

Adele and Liam were already, ready. I smiled and we all headed down to the pool. The boys jumped in but us girls just rolled our eyes and picked a few chairs to put out stuff on. The other boys were wrestling so I turned away from them and started taking my cover up off. As soon as it was off and I took out the rubber band that kept my hair up, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me in the air. I started screamed. "Harry!"

He started laughing as he held me up over the pool. "Don't you dare." I warned slapping his bare chest. "Oh I think I do." And then he dropped me. I screamed and when I surfaced I started coughing. "Harry, she can't swim!" I heard Samantha yell in panic. I started thrashing my arms everywhere. "Crap! Here Millie!" He held out his hand. I grabbed it tightly and then smirked, throwing him in with me.

He gasped coming up and grabbing my waist. I laughed as he pushed us underwater. I opened my eyes and saw him wrap my legs around his waist. I pulled away for air though. Knowing where that would've gone. "You should probably get some sleep, Harry." I said getting out of the pool. "I'll be waking you up at 6 am for an interview for a morning show." I said in a professional tone making Harry frown. I sighed sitting on the edge of the pool, my feet dangling in the water.

"I'm serious, Harry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm supposed to be getting you guys places on time and making sure you sleep and-" "Shut up." He said calmly and then smirked. He put his hands on my kneecaps and then spread my legs apart. He placed his hand on my back and pulled me forward so I was tightly against him. "Harry." I said warning him to back off. "Millie." He said back. I glared at him then smirked. I moved my leg down a bit and then pushed him in the sensitive area.

He groaned bending down and I laughed getting out of the pool and grabbed my cover up and phone. "You'll pay for that!" He shouted getting out of the pool. I whistled loudly to get the girls attention. "They need their sleep! We've got an interview bright and early!" I shouted and they all groaned. "Now!" I called out. Adele and Samantha jumped up first and soon the rest followed. "Make sure they do come up please." I said to Adele and Samantha knowing they were the responsible ones. I went ahead and started walking to the elevator with Harry close behind.

I step on the elevator and Harry presses our level. The doors close and I look to my right. Avoiding eye contact. He sighed. "What's wrong?" he asked. I smiled to myself noting his accent but then tried to pull off a serious face. "I was being immature. I'm here to make sure you boys behave... And what do I do? Join you! I'm so stupid!" I groaned just as the door opened and I stormed to our room. "Millie, you aren't stupid!" He said as I walked to our room. We walked in and I went to my bag, grabbing a t-shirt and shorts. "Get changed. It's..." I paused looking at the clock. "1:20?! Okay, time to sleep." I said and walked to the bathroom.

I changed and walked back out, collapsing on the bed. I pulled the covers over me and rolled on my side, facing the wall. "Millie..." Harry teasingly ran his fingers across my back after 5 minutes of silence. "Please tell me you aren't naked." I said and bit my lip holding back a laugh. "Well..." "HARRY!" "I'm joking! Of course I'm not naked!" He laughed. I sighed. "Good."

--- 1 minute later ---

"Millie..." "GO TO SLEEP HARRY! Or else!!!" I warned. "Night!" He said cheerfully. My boyfriend would be so angry if he knew what I was doing right now!

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