Chapter 19

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Ch. 19


I sighed looking to Harry as he started freaking out, starting to raise his voice at the officers when they weren't able to track Chase's number. I looked to Liam. We were freaking out as well but we know yelling at a cop wouldn't help the situation. "He said he was closer than we think..." Liam trailed off in deep thought. I looked to him confused. he suddenly lit up in a grin and ran back inside the building.

I followed behind closely. "Louis, I think I know what happened!" He said grinning. "What?!" I asked. "The girls went shopping besides Millie because Harry wanted her to stay home. Adele and Kelsey split up from Samantha and Cassie and ran into Chase's trap. But then were brought somewhere we wouldn't know. Remember Harry said he had a fight with Millie about her staying home?" I nodded eagerly for him to get to the point.

"Millie is really rebellious when it comes to telling her what to do. And, She said last night she wanted to go to the Starbucks here. So I'm thinking she left to go to Starbucks to show Harry she'd be fine. Maybe on the way there or on the way back, she was on the elevator. Because everywhere else is crowded. Her getting on the elevator alone was a big opportunity for Chase. But where could he take her somewhere no one would notice?" I shrugged. Wow he's smart! "The girls are still in this hotel, idiot!" He ran to the front desk.

"Ma'am, do you possibly have a security camera in the elevators?" He asked. She nodded and we went to check them out. And sure enough we found it! Liam and I ran down the halls towards the hotel room. We banged the door and it burst open. Soon, we found Kelsey and Adele chained up. I grinned running to Kelsey and wrapping my arms around her, kissing her passionately. And Liam about did a happy dance with me! YESSSS! wait... where's Millie and Chase? Oh great...


Everything was going okay... I took a deep breath just as I heard Harry's voice. They found out! I grinned jumping up from the table. "Come on, Chase. I won't press any charges... You can turn your life around! We could be friends again!" I begged knowing they were coming. His face went angry and hard. "No, Millie! I want to live the rest of my life with you!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the exit. I tried getting away but soon I was back in his car, the doors locked and speeding away to somewhere I had no idea! Maybe I should've left when I had the chance!

He drove to a run down motel. "Please Chase!" I begged. He sighed getting out and locking the doors. What an idiot! I jumped over and grabbed his cell phone, calling Harry's number. "Hello???!!!!" He yelled expecting Chase. "Harry Styles, don't talk to me in that tone!" I shouted. "MILLIE?! OH THANK GOODNESS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He asked laughing with joy. I bit my lip. Great, now I'm the idiot. "Um... A motel?" It came out like a question. "Dang it... What does it look like and what's the sign say?!" He asked being the smart one here.

I looked out the window at the place. "Old looking... And the sign says... Uh... Pay inside. That's about it." I heard him groan dramatically. "Okay... I promise I'll fine you... Wait! How are you calling me?" He asked confused. "Well-" I felt a hand slap my face and I screamed as Chase shoved me out of the car. "MILLIE!" Was all I heard from the phone as Chase dragged me into the hotel. Please don't let him rape me, Harry!!!!!

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