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  I decided to lie, since I didn't actually know.  


I suppose I should start from the beginning.

It was the first day of school. A hot, September day, the kind that made your shirt stick to your back. Despite this, though, I had decided to put on a t-shirt and hoodie. I was wearing shorts along with it, and simple sneakers.

I made my way downstairs, to be greeted by my dad.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, not bothering to make any comment.

"What about your scabs? Do you think they're getting better?" My dad asked cautiously.

I suppose I should explain my scabs.

I have Dermotillomania. Its a mental disorder that gives me an intense urge to pick at my skin, such as acne, bumps, or just skin that's untouched. Often I pull the skin off my arms, leaving blood, and eventually scabs, all over my body. Its kept me from having friends my whole life, as it started early on. People used to stare, but now I wear hoodies to hide it, and they just ignore me.

I decided to lie, since I didn't actually know. "Yes, I think so. Today I checked."

"That's good! You'll be scab free soon!" My dad commented as he prepared his things for work.

I nodded, considering the thought of having smooth skin. It seemed nice.

"I'll be home late today, sweetheart. There's pizza in the fridge!" My dad called out as he left the house.

Great, now I could be alone. Thoughts flooded my head of what I could do while I waited for time to head to the bus.

I could pick at my skin.. I thought, very briefly. Jesus Christ, no! Skin belongs on my arms!

I could watch TV..


My thoughts swarmed around like this for around forty minutes, until I decided to get up and get to the bus early. Better early than never! I started my walk. I passed the average homes, the Hansen home, the Klienman house, and eventually arrived at the bus stop, right in front of the Murphy Household.

The Murphy family was usually quite friendly to my father and I. I occasionally saw the mother, Cynthia, in the front yard as a tall man with graying hair walked out. They had a daughter, Zoe. She was always kind to me, but not enough to be considered a friend. I felt sometimes that she was kind out of pity. I was going to complete my thoughts, when an icy voice interrupted me.

"Do you mind? The voice nagged.


I lifted my head to look at a tall, scowling figure in front of me. He was a boy about my age, maybe older, with brown hair messily going down to his shoulders. He had on a hoodie similar to mine, but in dark grey. He was wearing mostly black, and looked like he shopped at Hot-Topic. He was attractive, but in an angry way. He had a strange scent coming off him.. deodorant? No, it was too strong for that, but he could probably use some.. Besides, it was more of a smokey smell.. could it be...?

"Are you even listening?" He snapped me out of my staring.

"Wha-" I started, before he scowled at me.

"Just move!" He shouted, surprisingly out of nowhere before pushing me down onto the sidewalk, where I landed on my bum with a THUD. I scrambled up again, this time positioning myself several feet away from him with my head down and my hands shoved in my pocket. When the bus arrived, he angrily shoved past me and sat in the back. I knew I should stay away from him, but something.. pulled me towards him. I ended up sitting a few seats in front of him, alone. I couldn't hear anything from his seat, but I assumed he'd be sitting with a friend.. right? I mean, he probably had friends. I'm the only friendless one in our school.. I think.

The bus ride was dull. We got kids, lots of yelling, and we arrived to school early. Exiting the bus, I could feel a stare.. but i couldn't tell who from. I had a hoodie on, so there's no way that they could be looking at my scabs. I wanted to turn my head to look for the person, but that was too risky. I kept walking to the doors of the school, stumbling on a step and bumping into somebody.

"S-sorry!" The anxious voice of a boy hurriedly said to me.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have stumbled!" I reassured him.

I looked up at him, only to see there was nobody there. I sighed, and continued my way to my locker. Once I was there, I put my backpack away, and got the books I needed. I speed-walked to my first class, geometry. It went by quickly, with lots of introductions since it was still the first day of school.

The next few classes passed like this, until it was lunch time. I found an empty table in a corner to sit at, and began eating, until an annoyed voice piped up in front of me.

"Get out." The voice demanded.

I glanced up to see the worst outcome, at the time.

"Why should I?" I snarled.

"Because I told you to, asshole." He retorted.

It was the boy from the bus stop. As I realized this I clenched my fists and a scowl came on my face. I was less groggy now, and more willing to argue.

"No way. I got here first, its my seat." I responded.

"Whatever.." he muttered, sitting down next to me.

"What are you doing?!" I half yelled, turning a few heads towards us.

"Cool it. Im eating."

"Why here?" I grumbled.

"Because I want to."

He groaned, but went back to eating, occasionally catching glances at him. He really was handsome. But his face seemed to be stuck in a forever scowl. I just noticed then, he had very dark eye bags. Did he sleep?

"So.. Whats your name?" I said, attempting to make conversation.

"Connor. Connor Murphy." He said with a sigh

He's a Murphy! I thought

"You sure it isn't 'James Bond'?" I muttered, earning a cold glare from him.

"I'm sure. What about you?"

"I'm (Y/N)." I snarled

"No last name, eh?"

Ouch. That hit close to home. Before replying, I took a good ten second hesitation.

"Its.. complicated." I finally said.

He seemed like he was going to reply, but the bell rang and he left, giving me the rest of the day to dawdle on what he may have said.

Author's note:

Hello! This is only my first story, so its probably pretty bad ; - ; But hope you enjoy! If you have questions, suggestions, or would like to be in the story, shoot me a message! Thanks for reading! New chapters once or twice a week!

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