A second day.

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I've never liked my birthday.


The second day of school has always been hard for me.

Ever since I was little, they've been hard. I've had trouble grasping the concepts of things, especially since the first day was usually only introductions. It got better over the years, but high school is an entirely different situaton.

I was sitting in Astronomy much before everybody else. I'm typically the loner girl that stays in the back, staring out a window and doodling on her notes, and today was no exception.

By the time class started, everybody had taken their collective seats whilst Mrs. Oscar started going on about a research paper that needs to be done in groups of 3. It was due at the end of the month.

"Now, I've made the groups already, the board is posted on our google classroom. Remember, exchange numbers and emails with your partners so you can arrange dates to work on this project!" Mrs. Oscars said.

I got on my chromebook, issued by the school, and checked the classroom. I skimmed the list.

Most of them are groups of three. Good.

I hated being with one sole partner. It always annoyed me, come to think of it.

I kept reading down the list to find my name.

GROUP ELEVEN: (Y/N), Christine Canigula, Connor Murphy.


At least I had Christine, whoever she was, with me. At least then I wouldn't have to do the project alone, knowing this Murphy kid would probably not do the work.

That was just the vibe he gave off.

"Oh, and one more thing! For group eleven, there were some technical difficulties."

What does she mean?

"I apologize, but Miss Canigula no longer goes here, so you two will be with each other.

"End me now, god." I grumbled to myself, exasperated.

"Of course, due to her absence, you will get four extra days on your deadline!"

That's some good news.. Maybe I could get this project done on time!

"Please go find your groups and discuss what you would like to do for it."

I was going to stand up to find Connor, the mega dipshit, but I heard his chair slide up to the other side of my desk, forcing me to initiate conversation.

"..So, uh.. for the project, I was thinking we-" I managed out, my eyes not meeting him.

"We? There's no 'we'." He snarled back.

"What do you mean? W-we were assigned to do this together!"

I still didn't catch his gaze, but I could feel him staring me down.

"Listen, you probably don't want to get a bad grade. Keep me out of this and you'll do fine. Just put my name on the cover or something." He reclined back in his chair.

"Nice try, but that's no excuse.. You're helping with this project, weather you like it or not,"

I rolled my eyes during the last part.'

He groaned, and gave me his reply. "Fine, but don't expect an A or something like that."

"I wasn't expecting one as soon as I saw your name on the list." I muttered, seemingly to myself. He must have heard though.

"Real funny, douchebag." He snarled at me.

"Whatever.." I muttered, and started doodling on my paper again, giving up on the project ideas, as Connor looked out the window with his chin in his palm for the rest of the class.

The bell rang, and students started to get up and leave. Connor must have not carried books around, because he just stood up and left.

I was grabbing my books, when I noticed a crumpled up post it note on the desk. At first, I thought it was trash, and started the throw it out. On my way to the trashcan, by the door, I unknowingly uncrumbled it.

Might as well read it now.. I thought, looking down to read the messy handwriting.

'here's my number. text me. about the project. Nice drawings. ' His number was scribbled out on the back.

I hate to admit, I could feel my face grow warm. I mean, this handsome guy just gave me his number, and complimented my art. Who wouldn't blush a little at that?

I spent the rest of the morning debating weather or not I should text him when I got home. I even wrote myself a list in algebra.


get project done will see how awkward i am

could make a friend he might hate me

will be texting a guy may think im weird

By the time lunch came, I was completely lost in thought about it. I aimlessly made my way to the table from yesterday, and sat down. While eating my lunch, I didn't look up once. Something told me Connor wouldn't eat with me today, especially not after today's class.

Instead, I was approached by a blonde boy wearing a blue shirt.

"C-can i sit here?" The boy stammered.

He had tannish skin, with freckles. He seemed rather shy and nervous from the way he spoke.

"Of course." I said, still half in thought.

"I-im sorry I bumped into you yesterday.. I-i didn't mean to!" He stuttered out.

"You bumped into me yesterday?" I said, half surprised. He didn't seem to be one that would carry himself about bumping into people without apologizing.

"Y-yeah.. sorry!" He shakily said back

Our conversations prolonged through lunch, and by the end we became rather friendly with each other. Mild Friends, I suppose?

The rest of the day went by in blur, and school seemed to end within minutes.

After the ring of the final bell, I made my way outside. I usually waited for my dad to pick me up at the school's entrance, but today he was working overtime so he could have some extra cash for my birthday at the end of the month.

I've never liked my birthday. My birthday constantly brought me misfortunes. My mom left us on my birthday, I've broken a leg on my birthday, and so forth. It also always strikes me as a way for my father to spend hard earned money on a gift that I didn't necessarily need.

Anyways, back to my after school plans. Occasionally, I hung out with the art club. They were mostly nice and fun to draw with, but they only met on Fridays. Instead, I decided to head to the park and maybe climb a tree or two. Trees always soothed me.




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