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A/N: Hello guys! I'm adding this lil author note before I start writing to remind you of a few things. 1) this fanfic will finish up within the next few chapters! (I have my other stuff and more things on the way if you feel sad! 2) If you are in the line of hurricane Irma, Harvey, or Jose, please evacuate. Stay safe.3) My Evan Hansen x reader is still up! I'll try to update it soon <3Onwards, to the chapter! ----Connor, for some odd reason, was mad that his mother would even say this to him. But in another way, he was.. confused. Why would his mother even notice? Why did she even care to bring it up?DING DONG."I'll get it!" Conner yelled out, both eager to end the conversation and make sure his mom didn't answer. It was most likely (Y/N) anyway, and God knows what would happen if she met his mom. -- (Y/N) was sweating. Tension had built in her from the moment she arrived. She and Connor were sitting in his room, attempting to talk about life and other stuff.There was a tense feeling in the room. (Y/N) and Connor were both uneasy. Today would either end in a disaster or end in a victory. (Y/N) hoped for the latter.

"So.." (Y/N) cut in."So," Connor replied, avoiding eye contact.Awkward silence for a good ten seconds."Why'd you call me here, Connor?"

Connor screamed on the inside. Sure, he wanted to talk to her about them, but a part of him deep down hoped she wouldn't bring it up. Connor took a deep breath."I.. Uh, kinda wanted to talk.""About?" (Y/N) asked with a raised brow. She could feel her palms growing sweaty."About.. us." Connor finally spat out. (Y/N) went pale with worry, but cut in."I get it.." "You do?" Connor responded anxiously."Yeah - I mean, youre here to break up with me - I mean, unless we arent officially dating or whatever but -" (Y/N) got cut off by Connor laughing."I-is something wrong? D-do you want me to go?" (Y/N) inquired with a nervous feeling. "No, (Y/N)! God, you're so off point!" Connor halfway shouted, relief and humor in his tone."W-what do you mean?""(Y/N), I want to be your boyfriend!"---Evan was home alone with Jared and Leia. They were supposedly doing 'homework'. In reality they were watching some scary movie. Leia snuggled up into Evan. Jared was too busy being uncomfortable at the public display of affection to enjoy the movie. Soon enough, the movie finished and Jared had to have a quick word with Evan before he went off on his own way. Jared pulled him out to the front yard, right in front of the door."J-Jared, do you need something?" Evan anxiously asked.Jared let out a snicker. "No, but you do.""W-what do you mean?""I mean, we both saw the way Leia cuddled up on you during the movie."Evans' face turned red. "S-so? Can't I hold my girlfriend during a movie!?-""Aye, calm your tits. I have to give you something.""W-what is it?" Evan quizzed, scratching the back of his neck.Jared reached into his pocket and handed Evan a small packet.A condom.----(Y/N) had a mini existential crisis in a matter of seconds. She could only make a sound that was a cross between a choke and a gasp. "Y-You want me to b-be your g-girlfriend!?" (Y/N) finally choked out."Essentially," Connor said, noticing (Y/N)'s discomfort. "I-its okay to deny-""N-No Connor! I'd love to be your girlfriend!" Connor's face lit up at her response. (Y/N) went red and looked down.(Y/N) definitely didn't expect Connor to practically launch himself at her. He was crushing her under his weight. "Now, since you're my girlfriend, you must give me affection." Connor calmly said.(Y/N) starting laughing from underneath him, but she tried pushing him off so she could breathe."Oh, shit! I'm probably crushing you! Here, I have an idea." Connor rushed out.Just like that, he flipped the two of them over so that (Y/N) was gently resting on him. (Y/N) took a deep breath while laughing. "Never do that again, Murphy." (Y/N) stumbled out between breaths and laughs.Connor laughed too. The two were both happy. Connor wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s torso, holding her close. The encounter made (Y/N) feel warm inside. Connor softly kissed her forehead, and the two stayed like that for god knows how long.---Leia was freaking out. She had just taken Evan Hansen's virginity.She exactly didn't know how it happened, but they were lucky Jared had given that condom to Evan.Evan couldn't believe it either. To be honest, he thought he'd be one of those guys that'd be a virgin 'til he died.He was hiding his face in his pillows on his bed, the place they had, ah, fornicated.He couldn't believe he had sex.He was still in shock. Though, Leia snuggled up against his chest did help. He decided to enjoy himself other than feel embarrassed for once. He let go of his fears and held Leia back. After all, that had been the hell of an experience.-----(Y/N) was back at home, in her room. Her dad, to her knowledge, was downstairs, cooking meatloaf for dinner. Apparently, he had come home from work early so he could get a head start on things. Or, at least (Y/N) guessed. She had snuck back in through the back window. (Y/N) didn't mind. She also didn't mind keeping her relationship with Connor a secret from him. What would he think? Who knows what kind of crap Larry said about Connor at the dinner! About an hour into her father's cooking, though, (Y/N) started feeling dizzy, which was odd. Instead of telling her dad, though, she decided to nap it off.The problem? She couldn't sleep. Something was most definitely wrong. Her father didn't often take this long cooking meatloaf. It was the man's specialty! (Y/N) got up to ask her dad about it, as he was downstairs. Yet another issue arose.(Y/N) broke into a coughing fit and she felt her eyes water up as they were stung by the air. Why was this happening?(Y/N) rubbed her temples. Surely, the air wasn't toxic for her. That would be stupid, considering that air's needed for basic human survival. Right? (Y/N) started coughing and wheezing again as she made her way through the hall. It wasn't until it was too late she got the text.Dad: Won't be home till 8 today. Love you!(Y/N) panicked. If it wasn't her father, then why did she smell something cooking downstairs? She rushed as fast as she could down the stairs, close to tripping over her feet. This all happened as she wheezed and squinted, yet she still didn't know why. She made her way to the bottom of the stairs. She whipped her head around and saw the more frightening sight.Her house was filled with black smoke as her oven burned.

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