The park

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  Before my mom left, death never seemed to faze me. 


The next few weeks seemed to pass by quicker than usual.

Classes came and went, things got easier.

I didn't talk to Connor much, unless it was in astronomy. We would only discuss the project. We never really texted, unless it was about the project only.

The blond boy, who later revealed himself as Evan Hansen, and I, kept sitting together at lunch.
Over the weeks, we became a lot closer, and he was probably one of my first friends I ever had. Judging from what he told me, the same went for him

Connor didn't come to school much anymore. Maybe once or twice a week, but that was it. It left me lots of time to work on the project, which was coming along quite well.

On this particular day, I was alone at the local wildlife center, walking the trail by myself, with my hands in my sweatshirt pockets.

I was approaching a small stream on the secluded area of the path, one I waded in as a little girl.

I smiled to myself, remembering those carefree days of wading in streams with my father.
I could already feel the sweat dripping down my neck.

"Fuck, its hot.." I mumbled to myself
Maybe I should take off my jacket. Nobody is around, anyways. It's a Sunday. There's no way they'll see your scabs.

The thoughts persisted. Now that I look back at it, I kind of wish I hadn't taken it off. Surely, though, I put my jacket by a bush, along with my sandals.

Dipping my feet in the cool water, I closed my eyes and took in the moment.

Finally, some alone time..
In honesty, this week was exhausting. School completely wore me out. It felt nice to just relax.

I couldn't have been there for more than a few minutes when I heard somebody sneeze from above me.


Without thinking I scrambled for my jacket. I didn't care about being watched, I cared that somebody may see my scabs. That would be a death threat.
Perhaps that wouldn't be the right way to put it.

Before my mom left, death never seemed to faze me. I understood it as a natural part of life, not something to fear. People making death and suicide jokes sometimes off-put me, but didn't make me uncomfortable or scared.

After my mom left, I started anticipating death. Waiting for it. Hoping for it. Praying for it. Wishing that someone, anyone could bring it to me.

At the time of this incident, I was still in a phase like that, but I hadn't told anybody. Not Evan, not my dad, not even my diary. I always thought I was overreacting.

So I guess I thought of my scabs being seen would be humiliating, not a death sentence. A death sentence would be more of a treat.
Anyways, back to what I was saying.

I looked around me, trying to figure out where the sneeze could have come from. I didn't see anybody around me, and I was confused. Were they hiding? I was going to get up and look, when I heard a loud SNAP from above me.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a branch falling towards me.

"Is she awake?" A nervous voice emerged from a mist around me. Was I dead? There was white all around me. I must be dead!

But something was off. Very off. I saw my dad. He isn't dead. Where else would I be, surrounded in white though?

It hit me with a flash. A hospital. I'm in a hospital.

But why am I here?

I sat up, only to be greeted by an intense migraine, forcing me to sit back down.

"She's awake!" I heard my dad rejoice.

"W-what happened..?" I half whispered.

"Oh thank god, you're alright!" I felt my dads arms wrapping around me, triggering an intense pain.

"Ow.. dad-"

My dad sighed "Sorry, i'm just relieved you're okay."

"I-it's fine.. why am I here?" I stammered out.

"A boy found you by a stream, unconscious. He brought you here because he thought you were dead!" My dad chuckled at the last part.

"W-who..?" I managed out, ignoring the searing pain in my head.

I was genuinely curious. Could it have been the person watching me? Or did they just ignore me, leaving somebody else to find me? My mind swarmed with questions.

"We didn't catch a name." The nurse chimed in.

"Did he throw it?" I mumbled. Nobody seemed to hear.

"But we made him stay in the lobby, just.. in case. I can ask him for a name, in a bit. He's just being looked over to make sure he didn't hurt you."

I nodded. That seemed pretty reasonable, I suppose.
I hate to admit it, but I started fantasizing about this 'mystery boy.'

I wondered if he was cute. I wondered if he though I was cute. I wondered if he was funny.
I also wondered if he went to my school.

Eventually, I dozed off for a good hour. When I woke up, everything was rather blurry, and my head still ached. A nurse was standing over me.

"Stay still, and this will only take a minute." She said, in a honeyed voice.


I didn't finish my sentence before I felt a sharp prick in my left arm.


"Sorry," the nurse rushed out. "This is my first day.."

I looked up. She was embarrassed. She couldn't have been older than 18, maybe 19.

She had a nurse outfit, finished with a name plate that read her name.

"Fiona." I murmured, out loud.

"Yep! I'm Fiona, your nurse!" She seemed a bit too peppy, considering this was a hospital, but I rolled with it. "Well, nurse in training.." She muttered, barely audible.

A voice chided in from the doorway.

"Hi, you're (Y/N) (L/N), yes?"

There was a middle aged woman, with dark hair and graying roots. She had smile lines around her mouth and eyes, and wore red lipstick.

"Yes, that's me." I croaked.

"Ah, well i'm Doctor Melody, and iv'e come to tell you you have somebody waiting for you in the waiting room!"

I was puzzled.
"Is it the person who brought me in?" I inquired.

"I believe so, dear. Would you like me to send him in?"
My heart started racing. I was going to meet him, the boy who possibly saved my life. I just hoped he was friendly.

"Of course, please do." I managed, with a smile. I tucked some loose hair behind my ear.
Fiona must have left when Dr. Melody came in, because she didn't appear to be there.

"Come in, young man!" Dr. Melody ushered out the door for somebody to come in.

My heart dropped when Connor Murphy came through the doorway.


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