A bad excuse (to put your body through mad abuse)

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Did she like Connor? Who knows.


(Y/N) honked her horn, for the third time.

"Connor, get your ass out here! We're gonna be late!" (Y/N) yelled.

"Yeah!" Leia added. Evan gave a worried look to the door of the Murphy house, as if he was nervous for it.

(Y/N) was tempted to honk again, when the door opened and Connor struck the iconic "dab" pose.

(Y/N) lifted her eyebrow as he approached the car and got in.

"Wheres your costume?" (Y/N) asked.

"Right here." Connor said, gesturing to his shirt, that read "GENERIC COSTUME"

Leia rolled her eyes whilst (Y/N) let out a slight chuckle.

"Very creative, Connor." Leia playfully teased.

"Oh, look at you, miss dressed-as-a-sexy-rabbit. What are you, a fucking furry?"

"Perhaps, but at least I put effort into my costume."

"Pshh, fuck you."

"No thanks, but I'm sure (Y/N) would be glad to."

"LEIA!" (Y/N) yelled, her face red.

Connor was taken aback. From what he knew, Leia was probably (Y/N)'s closest female friend, and usually female friends make jokes like that around eachother. Did she like Connor? Who knows. But Leia had crossed the line, that was clear to see.

"S-sorry, (Y/N)!" Leia rushed out. "J-just start the car! The Murphy's are probably wondering why we're still in their driveway!

(Y/N) grumbled as she turned the ignition.

(Y/N) was not as prepared for this party as she had thought.

Stepping in, she was engulfed by the smell of alcohol, weed, and who knows what else. Looking to her left, she saw a hispanic kid wearing a 'CREEPS' shirt arguing with a pale boy in a onesie-ish costume.
To her left, the insanely annoying Jared Klienman, attempting to be social.
And in front of her? The stoner kids, the source of the weed smell.

"Well, I better go join my people." Connor mentioned, heading off to join the stoners. |
Meanwhile, Leia grabbed Evan's wrist.

"(Y/N), Evan and I are gonna go dance." She said with a cheery smile.

"W-we are?" Evan sputtered out, his face redder then a tomato.

"Uh, yeah! (Y/N), will you be fine alone?" Leia finished.

"Sure, just use protection!" (Y/N) said, walking off. The comment left Leia laughing and Evan even redder then before.

(Y/N) had decided against drinking much before she came to the party. She knew her dad would kill her. Plus, she didn't enjoy drinking too much anyways. (Even if she had only had a single beer before in her life.)

Alcohol had ruined her father's life before, and she didn't feel like ruining his life again.

(Y/N) was walking around, when she heard a DING in her pocket.

Opening her texts, she was greeted with three new messages.

Dad: Are you at the party?

Dad: I'm worried.

Dad: Call me.

(Y/N) groaned. Her dad was awfully forgetful. She told him that she was going to a party right before she left, yet he still forgot.

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