His visit

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The room went silent a second time, leaving me to start a conversation again.



I was beyond bewildered. Why would he help me, of all people? I absolutely despised him. He was a complete shithead to me.

He seemed to sense my displeasure and discomfort.

"I could've left you there, so be thankful." He hissed.

I guess he made a point. After all, who knows what could have happened without him.

"Whatever," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

His eyes trained on my arms, making his jaw drop at the sight of my mutilated, scabby, arms.

"What?" I said, with a scowl.

"The fuck happened to your arms?" He said, in regards to my arms.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! My arms were showing!

"I- they- um-" I sputtered things out as my face turned red with embarrassment.

"That branch must have really messed you up.." He said in astonishment

"...Yeah, I-i guess.."
I didn't want to lie, but who knows who he'd tell if he knew the truth?

We stayed in the oblivion of quietness for a good minute before I spoke up.

"Were you the person I heard near me by the stream?" I piped up.

Connor looked down and clenched his fists. I guess that was his was of showing embarrassment.

"Yes! I was in a tree!" He barked.

"Why were you watching me?" I added.

"I wasn't 'watching' you," he quoted. "I was in the tree, and you came by. I didn't want to leave, so I stayed. But when that branch fell.." He went silent.

".. continue?"

He sighed, exasperated. "When the branch fell, so did I."


I was stagnant. He fell on me?

"I fell out of a tree." He said, flushed with embarrassment.

"Did you fall, or did you let go?"

The room went silent a second time, leaving me to start a conversation again.

"Do you have any ideas with how we can improve our project?"

"What do you mean do you have any ideas with how we can improve our project?"

This kid was seriously getting on my nerves.

"I meant exactly what I said, ass-hat." I replied, agitated.

"Well, I still don't understand what you mean by 'our project.'"

That made me mad.

"The project, that you were SUPPOSED to be helping with for the past few weeks! But instead, all you do is skip classes!"

My anger was coming out.
It may have been the painkillers they put me on that made my temper so short, the fact that he saved me, or the fact that he hadn't helped with the project at all, and now thought he had the audacity to be snarky about it.

"Jesus Christ, I was making a joke!" He shot back

"Well it wasn't very funny!" I fired off at him, not caring about the fact I could most likely be heard in China.

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