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During the few normal conversations i'd had with him, he always had a snappy comeback.


My days in the hospital came and went rather quickly.

I enjoyed it when Fiona was with me, taken her kind and gentle nature. I learned Florence was a cruel and snide lady, and could not stand her whatsoever.

Going back to school on Monday was not easy, but I managed. It was Tuesday morning, and I was sitting in Astronomy, waiting for my "Partner."

I was waiting for our teacher to start, when a familiar lanky figure came in.


I hate to admit, but I was shocked that he came into class. When he sat down next to me, however, I could tell something was off.

He was smiling. Connor never smiled. At least, not when I was near him. His eyes were watery, and.. pink.

Wait a second..

"You're high.." I mumbled to him.

He turned to me with a dull, lifeless smile. It had no emotion ever. Looking back at it, it was kinda.. scary..
"Asshole, we cant work on a project if you're high!" I half whispered to him.

I wasn't usually this nice to him. Don't get me wrong, I despised the kid, but something inside me.. was yearning for me to help him. To make sure he didn't get suspended. To get him out of here and make him un-high.

Is that possible? Beats me. I needed to get him out.

Technically, class hadn't started yet. I could tell the teacher my head wasn't feeling well and say Connor was taking me to the nurse. Would that work? I sure hoped so.

Standing up, I ushered for Connor to stand too. Most of our class wasn't here, so I guess it wasn't a big deal, was it?

Connor's face put on a dazed look.

"Whoa-" he croaked out, before I shushed him and nudged him up.

Walking to the front of the room with him behind me, I went up to our teacher.

"Um.. excuse me.." I said, trying to sound fazed.

"Is something the matter, (Y/N)?" My teacher replied, her voice full of a motherly like concern.

"Its just.. my head is really hurting," I felt her eyes move to my bandages over my forehead. "And Connor is going to take me to the nurse.. is that OK?" I finished, trying to look like I had a headache.

"Well, of course it is! A student's well being is always top priority!" She turned her gaze to Connor. "And you, hurry back after shes at the nurse. You and I need to have a word after class."

Connor didn't reply, which confused our teacher.

"Young man, did you hear me-"

I cut her off. "Can he just take me to the nurse? It really, really hurts.."

"Ah, fine. But he better get back!"
"Thank you." I replied, practically dragging Connor behind me out the door.

Once in the hallway, I breathed a sigh of relief.
I continued dragging Connor behind me, quietly scolding him.

"How the hell could you come to school high? I didn't even know you smoked pot!" I said, in a angry, yet quiet tone.

I didn't think his influence would last a whole while, but he stayed quiet, which off-put me. During the few normal conversations i'd had with him, he always had a snappy comeback. Weird.

We continued down the long hallway, hiding behind the open doors of the janitor's closet when we saw students in the hallway to use the bathroom pass by.

"This better make us even.." I mumbled, particularly to myself.

Connor must have heard, because as we slipped out the back exit for the school, he replied.
"This doesn't make us even." He said bluntly.

"How so?" I replied, speed walking through the parking lot behind me.

"Because I saved your life." He said, triumphantly.

"Well, i'm saving yours, in a sense." I snapped back. I felt good about saying it.

"No you're not! You're just saving me from suspension!" He shouted, forcing us to duck behind a car.

"Well, would your parents be too trilled with you getting a suspension? Besides, I bet you'vie been suspended enough this could get you expelled."

Half a second of silence.

"... whatever." He replied, at last.

As we made our way to my dad's car, I got out the key, which I always kept in my back pocket. I guess i'm just super paranoid about these things.

Usually, my dad took his car to work, but today his buddy Dale had offered him a ride, leaving him to leave the car home. Usually he wanted to be with me when I was driving, but today was an exception since I had my license.

Approaching the doors, I unlocked the car as quietly as I could. Connor tried to take the drivers seat, but not before I interrupted him.

"Connor, you are not driving my dad's car high. Get in the passenger seat, now."

He didn't seem to be in a mood to argue and went to the seat, which was weird of him. From what I had gathered, he loved being dominant, and he loved arguing more. Weird, pt 2.

Hopping into the driver's seat, I shut the door and turned the ignition. Turning the car into gear, I drove the car our of the parking lot and onto the open road.

"Now, tell me, Connor, why is it you got high right before school?" I nagged.

He mumbled something, but I didn't hear. It must have been pretty funny to him, though because he burst out laughing, drowning out all other sounds in my range of hearing for a good three minutes.

His laugh was probably the most enjoyable part of that day. It was a clear, and simple laugh. It had a tinge of sarcasm in it, but that was drowned out by the pure genuineness of this laugh.

I guess I must have been staring at him laughing, because I almost hit some guys pick up truck. To distract myself, I cranked up the music until we arrived at his house.

"This is it, right?" I said, with a new calmness over me.

Connor was less stoned now, but still not in shape to be at school.

"Uh.. Yeah." He unlocked the door to the car and hopped out.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" he yelled, as he made his way to his front door.

"Hm?" I didn't even think he knew my name.

"Meet me at my house at eight pm tomorrow!" He must have thought something about that sounded wrong, because he added "For the project, or whatever!"

He entered his house, shutting the door behind him.
I hate to admit it, but I felt my face go red.


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