Oh,,,, Worm?

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(Y/N) froze up, her heart going a mile a minute.

She stood there for what felt like too long. She couldn't believe her house.. was on fire.

The smoke stinging her eyes brought her back to reality.

I need to get out of here! She thought

But how..?

Her eyes snapped over to her front door. She could run out there and call the fire department. They could fix all this.

She was ready to run when she felt something on her foot. She looked down to see her sock was on fire.

She screamed at the fact that the fire had spread so fast.

She stomped the fire off her sock, and backed away from the burning parts of her house. There was no way shed be able to get to her front door now, it got blocked.

Her thoughts rushed over each other, and she sprinted to her staircase, and up the stairs.

Despite the fact that her house was on the edge of a cliff, she was certain she would get out.

So she ran and ran. Down the halls, through the few rooms, looking for an opening. Her room didn't have any windows, and neither did any other rooms. Her only chance was to use the window at the end of the hall.

The issue? It was facing the cliff. If (Y/N) jumped she'd most be severely injured, or worse.

She could already feel the smoke stinging her eyes once again. How the hell was the fire spreading so fast?!

She was ready to give up. She could take a bunch of sleeping pills, lay down in bed, and let the fire burn her. It'd be a simple death.

They'd find her body, charred and scarred, and she would have a simple funeral. Her stuff would go to her dad, of course. Who else would want it?

She'd eventually get forgotten,as her mother had been.

Her mother.

Her eyes welled with tears. She'd be with her mother again!

She started walking to the bathroom containing the pills.

Each step brought her closer and closer.

Until she felt something stop her, like a gentle wind that cleared the smoke from her brain for a few seconds.

What was she doing!? She couldn't let herself die!

Nothing would happen as she imagined, not at all.

Shed get found, yes, burnt and dead, and yes she would have a simple funeral.

But Connor, her dad, Evan, Leia, Jared.. they would have been crushed.

Who knows what they would do!?

She turned, her eyes locking on the window. Who cares if she got hurt? Her life was more important by far.

Without thinking, she ran towards the window.

She opened and unlocked it.

Backing up, keeping her breaths slow, she put 911 on dial and left her phone in the house so they'd be able to track it.

Without another thought, she ran forward and dove through the window.



Connor was very shaken up.

He, along with anybody who knew (Y/N), including her DAD, weren't even allowed to see (Y/N).

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