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Oh my gosh.

I cant believe I'm writing this chapter.

Three months ago, when I started this fanfic, I always thought that it would get zero reads.

But here we are. Almost 13000 reads on Quotev and 1k on wattpad. I'm truly thankful for you readers. Seriously, your comments and jokes make my day. You're all the reason I kept this fanfic going.

Although I'm sad to see this end, a new beginning comes with my current Evan Hansen x Reader fanfic, which many of you requested.

Once again, thank you, readers, for making this fanfic such a remarkable experience. I couldn't have done this without you guys.


Things went smoothly from then on.

Although they never knew who set the fire or why, (Y/N) didn't care. She didn't have time for grudges anymore.

Before she knew it, it was June. Prom season was rolling around, and (Y/N) thought she wasn't going. Connor, though, had his own plans.

"(Y/N) (L/N), will you give the pleasure of taking you to prom and go to prom with me?"

(Y/N) tackled Connor to the ground with a kiss. He assumed that was a yes.

Prom itself came around, and things went well. Evan took Leia, and Jared went with a guy named Connor McKinley. After prom, (Y/N) and Connor decided to.. hang out.

This became a joke until graduation.

When they all graduated, (Y/N) was surprised to see that she got chosen to give a speech. At the beginning of the year, she would get nervous at this. But now.. now she was simply filled with glee to talk about all the wonder of her senior year.

Her father, the Murphy's, Hansens, everyone came to graduation. (Y/N) swore she almost saw her mom next to her dad a couple times.

After graduation, there was a party, thrown then no other then Kurt Kelly. Although (Y/N) hated his guts, Leia dragged their friend group along.

A week or so after graduation, (Y/N) got a letter in the mail. Having a hunch to what it was, she invited friends over to read it.


Once they arrived, (Y/N) sat down on the couch, and Connor plopped down next to her, slipping an arm around her waist.

Evan and Leia sat opposite of them on another couch with Jared.

"Open it up already!" Jared whined.

"Don't pressure her, Jared." Evan scolded. Since the beginning of the year, his anxiety was at an all time low and he could now talk without sweating.

"Oh hush, both of you." Leia said, adding an eye roll for effect.

"Make me." Evan teased.

Within a second, Leia had leaned over to kiss Evan. She tangled her hands in his hair while the others turned their faces away from the lovebirds.

"Get a room, you two!" (Y/N) joked.

They pulled apart with laughter and (Y/N) felt a hand on her thigh. She looked over to see Connor resting his hand on it.

Connor was very touchy. Usually (Y/N) would slap his hand away and pretend to hate it, but she usually enjoyed it. This time, she let him touch her leg because she was too happy to get worked up right now.

"Alright, alright. (Y/N), open the letter then." Leia said.

Without another word, (Y/N) ripped open the envelope's seam. It appeared to be an acceptation letter of some sort. She began to read aloud.

"Blah, blah, blah.." (Y/N) started before actually reading some of the letter.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Notre Dame's upper education program with a scholarship. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your reply by no later than July 31.

Yours truly,

Gilda Anroman

Assistant dean of student affiliations."

Everyone's mouth was hanging open as (Y/N) beamed. Within a second, everyone was hugging (Y/N).


Things weren't so simple for Connor.

You see, since he smoked pot, nobody would want him at his school. He didn't want his dad to have to pull strings to get him in, because that would feel like cheating.

So, instead, he decided to go to a community college in Maryland, close enough to Notre Dame that he and (Y/N) could be together.

Evan had won a scholarship contest and was going to go to a college with a great writing program in Connecticut. Leia decided she would go to a beauty school near it.

Everything started to work out for (Y/N)'s dad, too.

He and Fiona went on many dates and went out before (Y/N) knew it.

When fourth of July rolled around, the whole gang went out to light off fireworks, where Connor and (Y/N) shared a romantic kiss under the stars.

She would get to go to college in the fall.

She loved her life.

She loved her family, and friends.

But most , she loved Connor Murphy

The End.

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