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"Because it means he likes you, (Y/N)!"


The car ride was mostly filled with Evan and Leia's chatter.

Really, Evan stammering like crazy while Leia continued driving, talking, and occasionally looking in the rear view mirror.

(Y/N) hadn't't't noticed, but Connor was staring.

And boy, was he glad she didn't notice. (Y/N) confused Connor. Well, more like she confused his emotions. He wasn't used to that at all.

He examined her more closely..

She had gorgeous eyes that made his heart flutter.

Amazing hair that made him jealous.

The perfect face shape for anybody.

An adorable nose.

And her lips..

Woah, calm down Connor. You're getting ahead of yourself.

There's no way he could have feelings for this girl. No way. Nuh-uh. That would be completely insane.
Everyone knows that Connor Murphy has no emotions whatsoever.

He guiltily felt his eyes drift back to her.

(Y/N) was sitting with her legs close to her chest, her chin atop her knees.

Occasionally her eyes gently closed, but she didn't doze. She felt like she was being.. watched. She shrugged it off as a result of the insane behaviors of the day that had passed.

The car went to a frightening halt in (Y/N)'s driveway that made everybody but Leia jump in their seats.

"We're here!" She said with glee.

(Y/N) began to stand, ignoring the aching pain in her left leg.

"Are you guys coming in? We can watch a movie or something." (Y/N) added as she exited the car.

"I-i don't see why not.." Evan replied as he left the car to help (Y/N).

Surprisingly enough, Connor hopped out to help (Y/N).

"I got this." He said in a rather bitter tone to Evan, who backed up as Connor propped (Y/N) up on his shoulder.

They all trudged in together, (Y/N) unlocking the door with her key, prompting them all to go in.

Connor hated to admit it, but he was kinda shocked when he stepped into her house.

Its not that it was ugly or anything, its just..

It was small.

Not in a cozy way. More in a "I-work-a-minimum-wage-job-and-have-to-feed-my-seven-children." way.

(Y/N) must have noticed his expression, because she looked down with shame, and shuffled away from him to the couch.

Connor couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He probably just made her feel like trash.

Wait, why did he care? He didn't like her, and he didn't care how she felt. He just owed her for doing their project.

"(Y/N), do you have any movies?" Leia interrupted.

"Oh, yeah. I think they're over in that cabinet." (Y/N) gestured to a cabinet above her TV.

Leia made her way over to the cabinet, sorting through movies.

"Ooh, what about this one?" Leia held up The Princess Bride.

"I-I've never seen that one before." Evan managed out.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Evan, its only the best movie ever."

"Bullshit." Connor scoffed. "Its a chick-flick."

(Y/N) and Leia both gave a sour look at Connor before Leia put in the DVD.

(Y/N) watched the movie happily with the others. She didn't know if they were her friends, aside from Evan.

She hated to admit she caught herself taking particularly long looks at Connor.

By the time the movie was over, though, she felt Connor stand up.

"Are you leaving?" Asked (Y/N).

"Of course not," Connor began. "I'm just taking a smoke break.

(Y/N) groaned. "Connor, I don't want you getting high at my house."

"Sucks for you then. Evan, you wanna come?"

"W-what? I don't smok-" Evan started.

"I'm aware, tree-boy. I'm not offering. I just asked if you wanna come."

"Oh.. u-um.. sure?" Evan said, standing up and following Connor out the back door.

(Y/N) was about to go too, until she felt a hand yank her down on the couch.

"Bah! Leia, what are you-"

"Oh my god (Y/N)!" Leia chirped.

"What? Leia, are you feeling alright?"

"I'm feeling fine, but who cares how I feel! The only interesting emotions here are Connor's!!" She said giddily.

(Y/N) gave her a confused look.

"How oblivious can you be, (Y/N)? He was staring at you during the whole car ride and during the movie!"

"And that's important because...?"

"Because it means he likes you, (Y/N)!"

Connor was standing in (Y/N)'s backyard, smoking his blunt while Evan stood off to the side.

"S-so.." Evan attempted conversation.

Connor glared at him, but Evan continued.

"(Y/N) is p-pretty cool, huh? Befriending people like us.." Evan stammered.

"People like us?" Connor responded with a raised brow.

"Y-you now.. the outcasts.. the freaks.."

Evan regretted his choice of words immediately.

"What do you mean, are you saying I'm a freak?" Connor demanded, turning to face the shorter boy.

Evan's eyes widened with fear.

"N-no, I-I didn't mean it like that!" Evan sputtered out.

Connor scowled. "You're the fucking freak!" He yelled out, before shoving Evan to the ground and running back inside.

(Y/N) felt her face turn a slight pink upon hearing Leia's words.

"What do you mean he likes me? That impos-"

She was cut off by Connor running through the back door and to the front door, then sprinting out of the house.

"What the hell? Connor!" (Y/N) yelled out.

Connor didn't say anything back, instead he started running across her front lawn and to the street.

"Crap.. you get Evan, ask him what happened. Ill try to see if i can get connor." (Y/N) said to leia.
Without another word, (Y/N) ran after Connor.

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