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Hello! I'm going to do my author's notes at the beginning now, since the end is always quite a stretch. Also, from now on, ill be doing a 3rd person narrator!! Thanks for over one thousand reads, I am in shock. ; ~;

This chapter will be extra long since I haven't updated in a week.

See you next chapter!

Warning: Mentions of sex, mentions of weed

Connor was ready to yell at her for making a sex joke about him 


 Connor was waiting in his room.

He was was wearing his usual getup, except this time he had washed his clothing and brushed his hair.
He also showered.

Connor was trying his best to look nice, but still wanted to look normal. Why was he putting effort into his outfit, you may ask?

To be honest, Connor didn't even know himself.

He was certain he did not like this girl. Sure, Y/N was cute, and she mostly tried to reason with him (a rare quality in somebody that knew him.)

But he did not like Y/N. He kept telling himself:

"Connor, this is because she saved you from getting expelled, and you fell on her. You should look nice."

As he looked in the mirror, he kept repeating that to himself.

His eyes then flickered over to his nightstand.

The nightstand that contained his bong.

The nightstand that his mother never checked, therefore making it a great place to store his things.

He felt his body moving towards the nightstand.

He stopped himself about less than a foot in front of it.

No, Connor! You idiot, you have a person coming over. You can get high after.

Connor usually didn't try to not get high before company. If anything, he usually liked to get high before company, because then he could have an excuse to stay in his room.

But he didn't want to be cynical.

How would he be cynical, exactly? Well, him being high caused him to owe her. And he definitely didn't want to owe Y/N anything again.

"Asshole, there's somebody here for you!"

Zoe's voice echoed through their large house.

Fuck. Y/N is here!

And Y/N was right on time. Connor had expected her to at least be a little late.

Connor rushed downstairs to go greet Y/N.

Y/N was standing there, wearing these adorable overalls, a flowery shirt with a sweatshirt over it, along with some pink vans.

This was very different from Y/N's usual style. Connor would never admit it, but he struggled to keep his face from turning pink.

Y/N was also struggling to keep away a blush, but Connor didn't know. He looked very good when he wasn't looking like a bum.

"Uh, hey." He sputtered out.

Y/N let out a subtle smile.

"Hey." Y/N replied, with a kinder tone then usual.

"My room is this way." He replied as he turned around to start going to his room.

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