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Hi guys!

So, i'm sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter. Ive been busy with camp, but next week I have the week off so I can update more!


Connor knew he was stoned, but hated being told what he was.


Connor woke up in a cold sweat, Seven PM, the day they were meant to meet up and work. For some reason, he had a very warm feeling in his chest.

"Whoa.. ?" Connor murmured, to himself.

Had that whole day been a lucid dream provoked by him being constantly stoned?

Even if it was, why was it about (Y/N)? Why did they almost kiss in that dream?

Could this mean he felt something for her?

No, Connor decided. That would be absolutely ridiculous.

"Connor, there's someone here for you!" Zoe yelled from downstairs.

Great, now shes here and I look like a mess.. Connor thought.

The thought made him feel perplexed as to why he'd care what (Y/N) would think.

"Connor, for the last time, there's someone here for you!"


"Hold your fucking horses, I'm coming!" Connor yelled back down as he threw on a baggy Shirt and slightly jogged down the stairs.

Scrambling down the steps, Connor felt slightly nervous to study with this girl. She probably hated him, and that couldn't make it any easier.

What he saw at the door slightly dismayed him.

(Y/N) was wearing the exact outfit he saw in his dream.

There was also a boy next to her with shaggy, sandy colored hair and a blue shirt.

"Who's he?" Connor said with a slight bafflement.

"Huh?" (Y/N) replied. "I thought you knew Evan was coming. I texted you about it."

"Uh, h-hi.." Evan said coyly.

"Hey." Connor said with a bitter tone.

Evan didn't reply. For some odd reason, there was a hostile mood in the room.

"How about you two come in and work in the living room?" Zoe piped in, trying to get the tension to dilute.

"That'd be fine." (Y/N) said in response.

"Right this way." Connor critically added.

Leading the two of them to his living room, he bumped into Evan.

"Watch where you're going."

"S-sorry!" Evan hastily scrambled out.

(Y/N) was trying to get Connor to be useful for their project, with very little success. He seemed to be in a sour mood. Evan, at least, was being helpful and assisting with their PowerPoint.

"Connor, can you write a thesis?" (Y/N) spoke up.

"Yeah, whatever.. Let me grab some water first.." Connor said.

In reality, he didn't plan on actually getting water. He was going to get high. Sure, it wasn't the best answer, but it could help him relax. He didn't even know why he felt threatened around this Evan kid. He seemed absolutely shy and harmless.

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