The aftermath

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Two weeks passed.

Fourteen long days.

336 hours.

20160 minutes.

1.21e+6 seconds.

You get the gist.

 (Y/N) was still trying to get over the perfect day she and Connor had.

She daydreamed more, which didn't help her grades. Frankly, she didn't give a damn. But still, she was more confused than ever with Connor. Things had seemed to go back to normal, but now she felt something more for Connor.

Whenever she saw his face, all she could think of was their kiss, completely spacing her out and causing her to stare. Being in some classes with him certainly didn't help.

Eventually, Jared caught on, Evan and Leia not too long after.

Now she constantly had to deal with Jared's teasing, Evan's sad attempts to give advice, and Leia freaking out over the fact that (Y/N) finally returned Connor's feelings for her. It was all she would talk about now!

Connor was just as confused as (Y/N). Were they a couple? Did she want to officially date him as much as he wanted to officially wanted to date her? He turned to the one person he knew had experience with this kind of crap.



Leia was sitting in her room, doing what she did on Friday nights - reading fanfic and watching Netflix.

She was around 32 chapters into her favorite story, Treebros one-shots, by her favorite author - @ebonyshadows on wattpad - when she heard the doorbell go off.

She decided to ignore it, assuming it was for her brother Ram. Girls were always coming to their door for him. She could hear him trotting down the steps assuming the same as her.

"LeeeiiIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAA!! THAT SCHOOL SHOOTER GUY IS HERE FOR YOU!!" Her brother yelled from downstairs, a tinge of humor in his voice. He damn well knew that wasn't Connor's name, but he was an asshole. 

She was baffled when her brother called for her to come downstairs. Why would Connor come to the door for her at this ungodly hour? Whatever reason, though, she got up and jogged downstairs.


"Leia, I really need to tell (Y/N) how I feel, and I have no clue how. Please help." Connor begged. "You're the only one here that knows how girls operate." Connor finished.

Leia thought about it. They were in her room, the door open. Leia had a cup of tea, while Connor insisted on drinking coffee. They had painted each other's nails, meaning Leia now sported black nails whilst Connor did the same, but with bright blue. 

"Well, Connor, I have a few ideas." Leia began, hesitantly.

"What are they?" Connor questioned eagerly.

"Well, we could try the old fashioned way - you throw stones at her window. Though, I'm not quite sure how that would work out, considering she doesn't have a window in her bedroom."

".. How about a different idea then?" 

"Well," Leia continued, her mind swirling with thoughts. "You could just tell her straight up. But you have to be specific. If you're not, she might just think you like her as a friend, and trust me - that's the last thing you want her to think." 

Leia was only getting started.

"You also want to throw in an inside joke or two - just for good measure. It's also smarter to tell her what you love about her, like her eyes, her laugh-" 

Leia got cut off by Connor.

"Her smile.. her humor, her voice-" 

"I wasn't done, asshole." Leia jokingly played in.

"Hey, only  (Y/N) can call me that!" Connor shouted, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry!" She apologized. "Either way, let me continue-"

"No, I think I know what I have to do. Besides, it's like, 3 am. I should sneak back home. Thanks for, uh, the nail polish."

"You're actually leaving? Is this about me calling you an asshole?"

"No, but I'm still annoyed by it."


 (Y/N) paced around her room. Connor had asked to hang out at his place today, which (Y/N) wasn't exactly prepared for.

Sure, she liked to hang out with Connor, but now they had an odd tension whenever they hung out. (Y/N) was concerned that she would make a fool of herself as well.

But then something amazing happened. As (Y/N) made her way to the mirror to check the progress on her scabs, she noticed something.

They were gone.

Had she really not picked long enough to have the scabs go away? Sure, she had been preoccupied the past five months, but she didn't know she was that preoccupied. 

She smiled at her reflection. A huge, dopey smile that truly said 'I fucking did that'.

She decided that, for the first time in months, she would take off her jacket when she got to Connor's house.


Connor was rushing about his room, frantically cleaning before (Y/N) got there. He hadn't realized until today how much of an utter mess his room was.

He scrambled to his bed, grabbing some chip bags and shoving them into a convenient trash can in the hallway.

He ran to his closet, shoving his clothes inside. He prayed (Y/N) didn't decide to randomly look through his closet. If she did, she'd be crushed by the clothes falling out.

He heard a pounding at his bedroom door.

"Connor, mom wants you downstairs!" Zoe yelled from the other side of the door.

"Tell her I'm busy, or whatever!" Connor yelled back, shoving his bong back into his nightstand.

"HE'S BUSY MOM!!!!" Zoe screamed, presumably to their mom. Despite being on opposite sides of the door, her scream still hurt his ear drums.

His mom yelled something back to Zoe, most likely from downstairs, as Connor hurriedly attempted at making his bed.

"She doesn't care, Connor! She says to meet her in the kitchen!" Zoe finally shouted before Connor heard her footsteps going to her room.

Connor groaned. His room wasn't even near presentable yet, but he knew that if he didn't go to his mom right then and there, she wouldn't let (Y/N) in.

He trudged down the hallway and made his way to the kitchen. He saw his mother making linguine. She hadn't quite noticed him yet, so Connor cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Ah, Connor! You actually came down!" His mom beamed.

"Yeah, whatever... What do you need?" Connor asked, obviously bored.

"Oh, right! Well, you see, Connor, I feel like as of recently, you've been.." His mother trailed off.

"I've been what?

Connor snarled.

"You've been happy, Connor!" 


Happy one month anniversary to this fanfic! Next chapter is gonna be super fluffy, but i have tons of angst planned for it too.

Bye! ~

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