Febuary 14th

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A/N: sigh.. still writing on my iPad. Lord send mercy.


Also, https://www.quotev.com/ijrbzd helped me with some ideals for this chapter, so check the, out!
Warning: I'm tired of shit and it's like three am so this is shitty but I wanna get it over with before I forget to write it
I am so fucked.

That was the only thought going through (Y/N)'s mind.
Connor was coming to get her for their date in a few minutes, and she was beyond screwed.
For starters, she slept in late that Saturday, so she was already behind schedule to begin with. She also wanted to look nice on her date, but she didn't know how.
She didn't know what to wear.
She didn't know what makeup to put on, much less if it would look good or not
She was kinda new to this.. 'date look' concept. She hadn't exactly been asked out by many guys before. (Or any, for that matter)
(Y/N) sighed. She hoped Connor didn't give a shit how she looked on their date, because she was going to wing it and wear the first thing she saw in her closet. (Aka you imagine the outfit bc I got so many messages about it)
Connor was sweating bullets. He found himself constantly pacing around his room.
He very much regretted asking (Y/N) out. Yes, he had a huge crush on her, but he knew he'd make a fool of himself on this date. (Weather he intended to or not)

Taking a deep breath, Conner readied himself. He made sure that he had his wallet, phone, and anything else he could fit in his pockets. (Condoms?? 😌)
He wanted to look nice for this date, but not like he was trying too hard.

He ended up wearing a simple, short sleeved Tee that had some dumb band from the 90s era on it. He slung his simple black jacket over it all, considering the face it was, in fact, February. Therefore, it would be cold as fuck.

Once he decided he was ready, he made his way downstairs in order to grab his car keys.
He ascended down the steps, swiping his car keys from the kitchen table.
Connor was about to leave, but somebody cut him off.

"Where are you going?"
Connor turned his head, to see none other then his she-devil of a sister.
He scowled in response. "Out."
"With who?"
"You have friends?"
Connor cringed. He managed to huff out a reply. "Yes, I do. Now, if you excuse me-"
"Wait, Connor. You look.. decent." Zoe said with faked shock. "Are you going on a date?"
"Ooo, is it with that (Y/N) girl?"
"Zoe, I-"
"But she was totally drooling over that Hansen kid,"
Connor had enough and stormed away from Zoey, right to the front door.

Before leaving, he looked around at the place, just to make sure everything was normal. It was a habit he developed, especially since Zoey had the habit of replacing their family photos with photos of linguine.
Connors eyes settled on a flowepot with a dainty tulip growing inside of it.
He took a step towards the flower pot, and idea forming in his mind.
Without hesitation, he removed the flower from the pot and drove himself to pick up (Y/N).

"Come on, I wanna try the Ferris wheel while the line is short!" (Y/N) chirped.
Just to her luck, Connor took her to her favorite place on earth. The valentines carnival.
"Alright, hold your goddam horses!" Connor said, with a chuckle.

(Y/N) grabbed his hand and started running towards the Ferris wheel, Connor in tow.
He blushed from the sudden contact. He hadn't expected her to even touch him, much less grab his hand.
Her hands were soft, and they were warm. He hoped his hands weren't cold - though they probably were.

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