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(Y/N) was in her room, getting dressed.

She didn't want to visit her mother, but she had too. It had been almost two years since she last saw her.

No, she wanted this. She missed her mom, and wanted to see her. She just want ready.

(Y/N) was still torn over weather or not she would actually go. She could very easily just make a detour halfway there, and her father wouldn't even know about it!

No, (Y/N). You promised your dad you'd go there, so there's no turning back now.

"(Y/N), if you don't hurry up I'm going to eat your breakfast!" Her father called from downstairs, a tinge of playfulness in his voice.

"Coming!" (Y/N) called back, standing up to go downstairs.

Red lights suck.

Especially when you're supposed to visit your dead birth giver, and you're stuck in traffic.

(Y/N) must have been waiting for at least ten minutes before the traffic light let her go.

Driving down the road, (Y/N) grumbled as she neared the cemetery. She definitely didn't like driving, something ironic for people that were her age.

Of course, she had her reasons to hate driving.

(Y/N) almost hit a tree because of her being consumed in her thoughts. Luckily, she swerved out of the way in time.

She wasn't the happiest to realize she arrived at the cemetery.

(Y/N) approached her mother's grave, which sat under the only tree at the cemetery. An maple tree. Her mom had always loved them, mostly due to their change in hue during fall. Her mom also loved autumn.

The grave itself was simple, made of white marble and containing only her mother's basic information.

"(M/N) (L/N).

1970 - 2014


(Y/N) sadly smiled upon reading the tombstone. She didn't care it was simple, her mother always wanted that. She would overhear the late night conversations her father and her had from her room, discussing what to do if one of them died.

"(F/N) when I go.. don't go all out for me, okay? Something simple." (Y/N)'s mother's melodious voice would say.

"As long as you cremate me into an eyeshadow palette." (Y/N)'s father would joke.

They would both laugh.

The memory made (Y/N) smile. Especially when she remembered her mom's voice.

It was silky, with a deeper tone to it then most, but it could charm anybody. (Y/N)'s father included!

(Y/N) was now sitting at the tomb stone, which now had some moss growing along the sides.

"Hi mom.." (Y/N) began, taking a breath.

"I know you cant hear me, but.. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I never came to visit you. I guess I was too afraid to face reality..

On a plus side, my skin has been getting better.. I still remember how you would put socks on my hands to keep me from picking as a kid.

Look, mom, I really, really miss you. I know dad doesn't want to tell me, but he cries about you at night. A lot.

You didn't deserve it. None of this. You didn't deserve to get a child with some stupid condition that makes them mutilate themselves, and you didn't deserve.."

(Y/N) halted, tears springing her eyes. She had to bring herself to finish, or she knew shed be dissatisfied.

"You didn't deserve to be hit by the cab.." (Y/N) finished, a tear growing in her eyes.

She forced herself to continue and closed her eyes.

"I.. I have nightmares about it. I remember dad bringing us to the scene, the cab driver in the handcuffs, and your blood.."

(Y/N) felt a salty tear roll down her cheek. She didn't want to remember all of the blood on the car, on the cab.

"It was everywhere.. it was dark, crimson to be exact... and it seemed like it would never be gone..

We ended up putting your memorial where you were hit.."

(Y/N) lifted her hand and wiped away her tears with her wrist.

"I'm sorry your grave is like this.. ill try to clean it." (Y/N) said, pulling some moss off the base of the stone, not caring if her hands got dirty or not.

Little by little, (Y/N) was able to free her mothers grave of any sign off moss.

"Good as new.. You like it now, mom? You were always a bit off a neat freak.. When you were alive, we lived halfway normal.. now its just me and dad. Things are way less formal without you here."

(Y/N) let out a slight chuckle. When her mom was alive, she would have never even considered eating off a paper plate, which was something her father and her did nightly.

She smiled wearily through tears that were budding in her eyes again.

After (Y/N) had visited her mother, she felt better.

Soon, months passed. Things had definitely changed. Now, she went to talk with her mother almost every other day. Sometimes she did her homework there, or she just sat there and played on her phone. She even became friends with the gardener that worked there, Pedro.

Before (Y/N) knew it, it was February 12Th.

She couldn't believe it, to be quite honest. She couldn't believe how much and how little had changed in her life since september.

Surprisingly enough, she had been assigned a project with the new girl, Hayley, who seemed to be very kind as well as talented. Eventually, they got on a texting every day basis.

Z had also grown into a friendship with (Y/N), and even sat at the table next to her at lunch, along with that Micheal kid and Jeremy H.

Jared, due to his kind actions at the Halloween party, now sat with (Y/N)'s group at lunch.

It took literally three days after Halloween for (Y/N) to walk in on Leia and Evan kissing. She didn't know if they were official yet, but she was happy for them.

And Connor..

That was a whole other subject on its own.

(Y/N) was unsure how she felt about him.

He was handsome, and he showed her more affection then the others in the group, but he still did pot, which bothered her. Occasionally he snapped at little things, and had socked Jared in the eye before.

But he was still close to her. She opened up to him about lots of things, even her mom.

She was confused if what she felt for him could be a crush, to be quite frank.

I guess she had to wait and find out.






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