Chapter 26

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3 years later

Its been 3 years since we found out Killian had family and I had my parents. My parents decided to move back to Canada a few months ago and I haven't heard from then since. We did a funeral and laid Liam down to rest, it was painful but we were all happy to know that he was happy that he had a brother. Life has been pretty awesome and I wouldn't change it in any way.

"Breakfast Time!" I yelled from the kitchen. Angela and Aqua come running down the stairs. "Mommy, did you make pancakes?" I smiled. "Why yes I did." "Yay," she says with a big smile on her face. "Auntie Angela wants some too." Angela smiles then laughs. "But Auntie Angela wants the regular pancakes not the ones she saw a couple of weeks ago." I turn red.

I was making pancakes one morning and let's just say Killian interrupted and we ended up on the kitchen table making pancakes if you know what I mean. But anyways getting back to that, we were so into it we didn't see Angela walk in so she caught us and we told her we were making pancakes and she was like sure pancakes. So let's just say pancakes aren't her favorite anymore.

"I promise these are the normal ones Angela." She laughs. "Ok Aqua go call daddy." She groans then nods. "Daddy!" She screams as she's walking up the stairs. I then hear both of them laugh and then I see Killian with Aqua in his arms. I smiled at the sight of that. "Wow my husband is looking more handsome than ever." He has his FBI suit on but today is his first day as director.

He smiles, "got to look good as director." I smile, "well director you have to sit down and have breakfast with your family before you leave and be a hero." I start to serve Aqua and Killian and that's when Angela gets a call. "Oh hey Babe," she says and she gets up all smiling and walks to the living room. Killian, Aqua and I are staring at each other.

Aqua looks at her then starts to eat her pancakes. After a few minutes she sits back down. Killian and I are staring at her. "What?" She says as she puts her phone on the table. "Who was that?" I ask as I smiled and put pancakes on her plate. "My boyfriend," she says as she takes a bite from one of the pancakes. "Boyfriend?" Killian says he puts his fork down.

"Who is he, where does he work, where is he from?" Angela chuckles. "Chill bro, I'm an adult I can do whatever I want," she says and laughs. "He didn't get my permission to go out with you," he says. Angela smiles, "I'm not a little girl Killian." "Yes but I'm your older brother and I have to look out for my little sis." I smiled when he said that.

"How long have you guys been in a relationship?" Killian asks. "A year," she responds. "What the...." I chuckle. "I have to meet him and set him straight." "Now now Killian," I say as I touched his shoulder. She smiles. "Well I feel bad for Jackson." "Why?" We both say. "He's coming like right now, we have a date." I smile. Killian takes out his gun and cocks it. "I'm ready." "Oh my gosh!" Angela says and I gasp.

"Not in front of Aqua." "Ooooooo..... Daddy is doing a no no," she says as she shakes her head. I nod. "Yes Aqua, Yes he is." Then we hear a knock on the door. "It's him!" Angela says with a big smile on her face. Killian gets up and goes to the door. He had his FBI badge on his belt and a gun at his side. I follow him as he opens the door.

"Yes?" Jackson smiles. "Hi yes, is Angela home?" "Who are you?" Killian asks as he puts his hands on his belt. "I'm Jackson, her boyfriend." "Boy friend huh?" Killian asks and Jackson nods. "Listen here boy, don't you dare hurt my little sister and if you do I will get the whole FBI on your butt." I look at Jackson and he looks scared to death.

"You see the badge here, I am director of the FBI, so pull anything on her and you'll hear from me." Angela goes over to the door, "oh my gosh Killian, don't scare him like that." "Well he needs to know that I love you sis and that you have someone to defend you, in case anything goes wrong." She laughs.

"Jackson meet my big brother Killian.". He just stands there. "Ease up, my boy." Jackson nods. "Ok go have fun on your date but remember Jackson you hurt her, I will come after you." He nods. "Yes sir." Angela scoffs. "Killian, stop tormenting him," she says and gives Killian a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Bro, bye Emma," she says and off they went.

Killian closed the door and I was standing there shocked. "What?" "Oh my gosh, if you're like that with Angela who's a 23-year-old, I can't imagine how you'll be when Aqua gets a boyfriend," I say and laugh. "Oh you know I'll just do a background check on the guy and do all sorts of mean things to him."

"Ah you will never change will you." He smiles. "I told you since I couldn't save my mother or brother, I will look out for her as well as Aqua and you." I smile, "you have a good heart Killian."  "Where's Aqua?" He asks as he looks around. "Upstairs, I told her to go and brush her teeth." "Good." "Why do you want to know?" He then starts to kiss me. We then let go.

"What was that for?" He smiles. "I'm just so happy right now, life has always thrown curve balls at us and yet here we are." I smile, "yes life is always unexpected." I go to the counter and smile because I had a surprise for him. "Like this," I say as I hand him a pregnancy test. "It's positive love, we're expecting." I smile and nod. "Well this unexpected surprise I am more than happy to accept."

He hugs me and smiles, "who knew that those two little kids who were in the orphanage were going to fall in love and raise a family of their own." "See now that was unexpected, we were friends at the time but that goes to show you that life is more fun when things come unexpected," I say and that's when we hear something shatter.

"Mommy, I think I broke a cup," Aqua says from upstairs. We both laugh and smiled. "Well I'm off to the FBI, love you see you tonight." I smile. "Oh and good luck on your first day as Vice President of the institute." And yes after these 3 years I became Vice President and Lacy has become chief editor, so this new chapter I am excited for. "Thanks." I kiss him and off he goes out the door and I run upstairs to see what exactly Aqua had broken.

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