Chapter 24

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"Love, you can't do this to me or to Aqua," I say as I hug him. "We were supposed to raise Aqua together, why did you leave me," I say again and I start to cry. "You promised me when we were kids that we would be together forever!" I scream. "I love you so much, I can't dream of continuing my life without you," I say as I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"I need you, Angela needs you, Aqua needs you," I say as I get another contraction. I let go of his hand because the pain was so intense. I scream for dear life as I'm touching my belly. I look down at Killian and he was still lying there dead. That's when another contraction hits me that I didn't know what to do that I accidentally hit Killian in the chest.

I looked at him to see if there was any response but there wasn't any. My heart was hurting, he's gone and he's never coming back. That's when I fell to the ground. I can't continue on without Killian, he's my all, he's my everything. If he dies, I die with him. That's when I see blood coming out from in between my legs. I sighed. I think I'm even losing Aqua now.

Life just isn't fair right now, I laid flat on the ground and that's when my whole world turns black.

A week later.

I wake up and I have an oxygen mask on. I gasp as I sit up but then groaned from the pain. I look around and I see Killian laying there in the bed beside me with a breathing tube in his mouth. I look to my left and I see Angela sitting on the chair asleep. What happened? Why is Killian there? Angela then wakes up and smiles. "Oh Emma you're awake," She says and she starts to cry.

She then hugs me and I smile. I take off the oxygen mask. "Where's Aqua?" She smiles. "I didn't lose her?" She shakes her head. "She's in the NICU." I sigh in relief. "What happened?" "Well you passed out and they did a C-section to take Aqua out and you've been asleep for over a week." I gasp. "Oh my gosh." She nods.

"What about Aqua, was she born healthy?" "Yes, she's just tiny even though she was close to 9 months." I gave her a weird look. "How if I was super big?" "You had twins Emma but the other baby died in the womb that's why you couldn't hear him in the ultrasound and he was hiding towards your back."

"Him? He was a boy?" I say as tears were forming in my eyes. She smiles softly at me and nods. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "What about Killian?" "He's in a coma." I smile. So maybe me hitting him by accident worked. "Why are you smiling?" "Angela I watched him die, I heard the doctors say his time of death, I saw him fade away and now I know he's alive." She smiles and that's when Robin knocks on the door but stays there.

"Can I come in?" I smile. "Of course Robin." He smiles, "I just wanted to let you all know that Garett has been taken to a high security prison on the other side of the country." "Good, So case closed?" He smiles and nods. "Yes, it was Killian who solved it." I smile, "of course it was." "So Garett did kill Liam?"Angela asks. Robin nods. She stays quiet.

"Well it seems that he figured out that it was him." Angela nods. "I didn't know my brother was such a good agent," she says and looks down. "And he doesn't even know that I'm his sister." Robin smiles. "Oh that's why I also came," he says as he hands Angela a note. "I think he knows." Angela looks at him in a confused way.

"This was found among his things at the hotel, he read the note Angela." She starts to read it then starts to cry. "Killian knew." I gasp. "Oh Liam if only you were here," she says as she hugs the note. "I love you Liam," she says and smiles. I grab her hand and smile.

"The good thing is that Liam knew you wouldn't be alone in this world Angela." She nods as she wipes her tears. "Yes I have another brother, a sister and a niece." I smile. "Yes you do." Robin nods. "Well if you'll excuse me," he says and walks out. We both smile and nod.

That's when a nurse walks in with Aqua in her arms. "We wanted to see if mommy is awake." I smile. "Oh my little one." The nurse smiles as she hands Aqua to me. "Try your best to feed her Mrs Jones." I nod. She walks away and Angela smiles. "She looks so much like Killian." I look at Killian and nod. "She's daddy's little girl." Angela smiles.

I look down at Aqua and she yawns. My did my heart melt. She opened her eyes and I see her cute blue eyes. I am so happy to know that she looks like Killian. That's when she starts to suck on her lips and I smile. I then start to feed her, it was hard at first but at the end she managed to latch on and drink.

I caresses her head as she was drinking. "My am I blessed Emma." I smile. "I'm heartbroken that Liam isn't here but I can look forward to the future and have you, Killian and Aqua with me." I smile and nod. "Killian will wake up and he will help you with whatever you need, as will I of course." That's when Aqua lets go and gets fussy.

I put her on my shoulder and gently pat her back. I heard a small burp and I smile. I then placed her on my chest and she went back to sleep. "And so will Aqua." Angela nods. "I can finally say I'm home Emma." I smile and nod. "Yes you are."

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